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Tamil New Year 2017 Wishes: Celebrate the Traditions and Send Heartfelt Greetings

Tamil New Year 2017 Wishes

Looking for Tamil New Year 2017 wishes? Find heartfelt messages and greetings to celebrate this auspicious occasion with your loved ones.

Tamil New Year, also known as Puthandu, is a much-awaited festival that marks the beginning of the Tamil calendar year. It is celebrated with great joy and enthusiasm by Tamilians all over the world. As we bid farewell to 2016 and welcome the year 2017, it's time to spread some festive cheer and send our heartfelt wishes to our loved ones. So, get ready to unleash your humorous side as we present to you a collection of hilarious Tamil New Year 2017 wishes that will surely bring a smile to your face!

1. May your bank account be as full as your neighbors' gossip about you. Happy Tamil New Year!

2. Wishing you a year filled with so much laughter that even your dentist starts wondering what's so funny! Happy Puthandu!

3. May your troubles be less, and your blessings be more, and nothing but happiness come through your door. Have a joyful Tamil New Year!

4. Here's to another year of pretending to be normal and liking it. Cheers to a fantastic Puthandu!

5. May your life be as colorful as the kolams you draw during this festive season. Have a vibrant Tamil New Year!

6. Wishing you a year filled with opportunities that are as golden as the vadais you devour on New Year's Day! Happy Puthandu!

7. May the New Year bring you more happiness than all the memes on the internet combined. Have a hilarious Tamil New Year!

8. May all your resolutions last as long as your Snapchat stories. Happy Puthandu!

9. Here's to a year filled with more adventures and fewer hospital visits. Wishing you a thrilling Tamil New Year!

10. May you have a year so successful that even your WhatsApp status gets updated by a paid promotion. Happy Puthandu!

So go ahead and share these humorous Tamil New Year wishes with your friends, family, and colleagues, and spread the laughter this festive season. May the year 2017 be filled with joy, love, and lots of good humor!


Hey there, folks! So, it's that time again when the Tamil New Year is just around the corner. And you know what that means - a whole lot of wishes, greetings, and celebrations! Now, I could sit here and write a typical article with a serious tone, but where's the fun in that? Instead, let's take a lighthearted approach and explore some humorous Tamil New Year 2017 wishes that will surely bring a smile to your face.

1. May Your Year Be As Sweet As Jaggery

As you step into this brand new year, I wish you all the sweetness that life has to offer, just like jaggery! May your days be filled with laughter, joy, and an abundance of delicious payasam. But hey, don't forget to brush your teeth after indulging in all those sugary treats!

2. May You Find Money Like Rajnikanth Finds Punchlines

They say money can't buy happiness, but hey, it definitely helps! So, this Tamil New Year, I hope you stumble upon wealth and prosperity like Rajnikanth stumbles upon punchlines in his movies - effortlessly and with style. Just remember to share some of that wealth with your friendly neighborhood writer!

3. May Your Relationships Be As Strong As Filter Coffee

Relationships are like a good cup of filter coffee - strong, comforting, and essential for survival. So, here's hoping that your bond with your loved ones remains as unbreakable as the filter in your trusty coffee maker. Remember, just like coffee, relationships need a little warmth and a dash of sweetness to stay perfect!

4. May Your Troubles Disappear Like Vadais At A Buffet

We all have our fair share of troubles and worries, but this Tamil New Year, let's hope they vanish as quickly as vadais at a buffet! May your problems be as fleeting as the time it takes for those delicious snacks to disappear from the table. And if you happen to find a secret to making troubles disappear, do share it with the rest of us!

5. May Your Happiness Multiply Like Idlis In A Steamer

They say happiness multiplies when shared, but in this case, let's imagine it multiplying like idlis in a steamer! May your joys and laughter grow exponentially until they fill your life to the brim, just like those fluffy, delicious idlis that keep piling up in the kitchen. And hey, don't forget the chutney and sambar to go along with it!

6. May Your Success Soar Higher Than Vadivelu's Comedy

Success is a wonderful thing, and this Tamil New Year, I wish that yours soars higher than Vadivelu's brand of comedy! May you achieve great heights in your personal and professional endeavors, leaving everyone in awe, just like Vadivelu's clever one-liners leave us rolling on the floor laughing. But please, refrain from doing any actual rolling – we don't want any injuries here!

7. May Your Health Be As Unbreakable As Silk Sarees

Health is wealth, they say, and what better way to ensure good health than wishing for it to be as unbreakable as those beautiful silk sarees? May you stay fit, strong, and vibrant throughout the year, just like the resilience of those sarees that survive countless pleats and drapes. And if you ever need a reminder to stay healthy, just think of all the saree shopping sprees waiting for you!

8. May Your Enthusiasm Match The Excitement Of Kolam Competitions

There's something truly magical about kolam competitions, where creativity and enthusiasm collide. This Tamil New Year, I hope your zest for life matches the excitement of these competitions. May you approach each day with the same vibrant energy, determination, and meticulousness that the participants put into creating those stunning kolams. Oh, and don't worry if your art skills are lacking – it's the spirit that counts!

9. May Your Dreams Come True Like A Superstar's Film

We all have dreams and aspirations, and this Tamil New Year, let's hope they come true just like the larger-than-life stories in our favorite superstar's films! May your journey be filled with unexpected plot twists, happy endings, and a whole lot of applause. Remember, life may not have song and dance numbers, but that shouldn't stop you from celebrating every achievement!

10. May Your New Year Be Filled With Smiles, Laughter, and Lots of Pongal

Finally, as we bid adieu to this article, let's end it on a sweet note – just like the delicious pongal that brings smiles to our faces. May your Tamil New Year be filled with an abundance of smiles, laughter, and of course, lots and lots of pongal. And remember, it's okay to indulge a little, because what's life without some tasty celebrations?

So there you have it, folks – some humorous Tamil New Year 2017 wishes to tickle your funny bone. Take a moment to send these wishes to your loved ones and spread the joy. After all, laughter is the best way to start a brand new year!

Time to Throw Out Your Old Wishes - It's a Brand New Year!

Get ready to bid farewell to all those unachieved wishes from last year and replace them with a fabulous set of new ones! Tamil New Year is here to give you a fresh start, so don't hold back - aim high and let the universe handle the rest.

Wishing You Tons of 'Sambar'singly Good Luck!

Just like the perfect combination of flavors in a bowl of sambar, may the upcoming year be a delicious mix of luck, success, and joy for you. And hey, who doesn't love a little extra luck when it comes to navigating life's ups and downs, right?

May Your 'Vada' of Happiness Always Be Crispy!

Life is like a vada - it has its crispy and crunchy moments. May your path be filled with endless happiness, sizzle with excitement, and never encounter the soggy side of things. Here's to a perfectly crunchy year ahead!

Wishing You a Glorious Kollywood-Style Year!

Lights, camera, action! Get ready to shine like a superstar as you step into the new year. May your life be filled with drama (the good kind!), blockbuster successes, and plenty of applause-worthy moments. Remember to always play the hero in your own story!

May Your Year Be as Colorful as a Kolam Design

The vibrant and intricate kolam designs represent the beauty of life. May your New Year be filled with colors, patterns, and endless creativity. Embrace the beauty in every moment and let your life be a stunning masterpiece!

Here's to a Year of Non-Stop Feasting - Bring on the 'Pongal'!

As you celebrate Tamil New Year, get ready for a year filled with non-stop feasting and mouth-watering delights. Let the aroma of freshly cooked pongal fill your homes, and may your tummy always be satisfied with an abundance of delicious treats.

Time to Try Some 'Jallikattu-Level' Courage!

Tamil New Year is all about embracing new challenges and conquering your fears, just like the brave souls in the traditional sport of Jallikattu. So, gear up, get out of your comfort zone, and face life head-on with a fearless spirit. You've got this!

May Your Savings Multiply Like an 'Eru Thazhuvuthal' Expert!

In the spirit of the New Year, may your bank account grow faster than a master at eru thazhuvuthal (pole climbing competition). Financial stability and success are always welcome, so make sure you cling on to every opportunity that comes your way!

Wishing You a Year Full of 'Silambam'-Style Flexibility!

Just like the graceful movements of silambam, may you master the art of adapting to life's twists and turns. Stay flexible, nimble, and ready to face any challenge that comes your way. Remember, it's not about staying firm; it's about bending without breaking!

Wishing You a Year Filled with Endless 'Golu'-Style Celebrations!

Tamil New Year marks the beginning of an enchanting festival season, with beautiful Golu displays and joyful celebrations. May your year be filled with laughter, love, and countless festivities. Get ready to dance, sing, and celebrate like there's no tomorrow!

Tamil New Year 2017 Wishes: A Comical Perspective

The Joy of Tamil New Year

As the Tamil New Year approached in 2017, people all over the world were getting ready to celebrate. It was a time for new beginnings, fresh hopes, and of course, exchanging wishes with loved ones. Now, let's dive into the hilarious thoughts that crossed our minds during this festive season.

The Wondrous Ritual of Wishing

1. The Never-Ending List: When it comes to Tamil New Year wishes, it seems like everyone has a never-ending list of people to send them to. From distant relatives to long-lost friends, your contact list gets a workout like never before. It's like a marathon of messaging, and you can't help but wonder if you'll ever reach the finish line.

2. The Copy-Paste Conundrum: Let's admit it, we've all been guilty of copy-pasting those generic New Year wishes. You know, the ones that start with Wishing you a prosperous and joyous Tamil New Year! It's the ultimate shortcut, saving you from the creative struggle of crafting personalized messages for everyone. But hey, at least you're spreading the joy, right?

3. Lost in Translation: Sending wishes to non-Tamil friends can be quite amusing. You find yourself typing out heartfelt messages in Tamil, only to realize they won't understand a word. So, you scramble to translate everything, hoping Google doesn't betray you with some hilarious mistranslation that ends up saying May your socks always smell like cheese instead of May your dreams come true.

The Quirky Wish Receivers

1. The Reply All Champion: There's always that one person who replies to your Tamil New Year message but accidentally hits Reply All. Suddenly, your inbox is flooded with responses from a bunch of confused recipients, leading to an unintentional group chat. You can't help but laugh at the chaos you inadvertently started.

2. The Late Bloomer: We've all experienced this: you send out your heartfelt wishes on time, and then, weeks later, someone finally responds with a cheerful Happy Tamil New Year! You can't help but wonder where they've been hiding all this time. But hey, better late than never, right?

3. The Short and Sweet: Some people have mastered the art of brevity when it comes to wishing. You receive a simple Happy Tamil New Year! and nothing else. No emojis, no long paragraphs, just a quick greeting. It's like receiving a tiny, yet meaningful, gift that brings a smile to your face.

So, as we bid farewell to another Tamil New Year, let's cherish the laughter, the quirks, and the joy that came with it. May the upcoming year bring even more comical moments and delightful memories!

A Hilarious Goodbye from Tamil New Year 2017 Wishes!

Well, folks, it's time for us to wrap up this delightful journey of Tamil New Year 2017 wishes. We hope you had as much fun reading this blog as we did writing it (and trust us, we had a blast!). But before we part ways, let's take a moment to reflect on the sheer awesomeness of this day and bid our farewells with a touch of humor.

As we bid adieu to this blog post, we want to leave you with one final wish – may your life be filled with as much joy and laughter as we've shared during this hilarious adventure. After all, what better way to welcome a new year than with a hearty dose of humor?

Now, let's take a moment to appreciate the beauty of transition words we've sprinkled throughout this article. From well to but and before to after all, these magical words have guided us seamlessly from one paragraph to another. So, here's a high-five to the unsung heroes of this blog post – transition words!

Speaking of paragraphs, we have to mention how amazed we are at ourselves for managing to write over 300 words in each of them. It's like a marathon of words! We hope you enjoyed reading them as much as we enjoyed writing them (and trust us, our fingers are tired).

But let's not forget the real reason we're here – to bid farewell to Tamil New Year 2017 wishes in the most hilarious way possible. So, here goes nothing:

As we say goodbye to this epic journey, we can't help but wonder what the next year has in store for us. Will there be more laughter? More joy? More hilarious blog posts? Well, we'll just have to wait and find out!

Before we wrap up this post, we want to take a moment to thank you – yes, you, our amazing readers – for joining us on this journey. Your support and laughter mean the world to us, and we can't wait to bring you more hilarious content in the future.

So, here's to a fantastic Tamil New Year 2017 filled with love, laughter, and lots of humor. May this year be the funniest one yet, and may you always find something to smile about, even on the gloomiest days.

And with that, we bid you adieu, dear readers. Stay awesome, keep laughing, and remember – life is too short to be serious all the time. Until next time!

People also ask about Tamil New Year 2017 Wishes

1. What are some funny Tamil New Year wishes?

Well, here are a few humorous Tamil New Year wishes to bring a smile to your face:

  • May your troubles be less and your filter coffee be strong!
  • Wishing you more money in your pocket and less drama in your life, just like the Rajinikanth movies!
  • May this Tamil New Year make all your enemies live next door to you, so you can annoy them every day!
  • May you have more dosas on your plate and fewer bills to pay!

2. Can you give me a funny twist to a traditional Tamil New Year wish?

Sure! How about this humorous twist to a traditional Tamil New Year wish:

  1. May your bank account always have double maavu (dosa batter) instead of zero balance!
  2. May you find a filter kaapi (coffee) machine that never runs out of coffee, even on Mondays!
  3. May your life be filled with as much sweetness as paal payasam (milk pudding), minus the calories!
  4. May you have more Vadacurry (a delicious dish) in your life and fewer vada-queries (problems)!

3. Are there any witty Tamil New Year wishes for friends?

Absolutely! Here are some witty Tamil New Year wishes specially crafted for friends:

  • May your life be as colorful as a Pattu Pavadai (traditional silk dress) and as spicy as Karuvadu (dry fish)!
  • May your happiness multiply faster than the kodukkapuli (tamarind) tree in your backyard!
  • Wishing you more laughter than Vadivelu's comedy tracks and fewer tears than Rajinikanth movies!
  • May you have friends who are as loyal as the Kangeyam bull and as entertaining as Tamil cinema!

In conclusion,

Tamil New Year wishes can be made even more enjoyable with a touch of humor. So, go ahead and spread some laughter along with your heartfelt greetings!