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Significance and Celebrations of Hijri New Year 2017: Commemorating Islamic History and Traditions

Hijri New Year 2017

Celebrate the beginning of the Islamic year with Hijri New Year 2017. Reflect, set goals, and embrace new beginnings in this auspicious time.

Are you tired of the same old New Year's celebrations? Looking for a fresh start that will truly make a difference in your life? Well, look no further because the Hijri New Year 2017 is here to spice things up! This year, instead of following the usual Gregorian calendar, why not embrace a whole new way of marking the passage of time? With its rich history and unique traditions, the Hijri New Year promises to be an unforgettable experience that will leave you laughing, reflecting, and maybe even scratching your head a little.

Now, you might be wondering, what exactly is the Hijri New Year? Well, my friend, allow me to enlighten you. The Hijri New Year is based on the Islamic lunar calendar, which means it follows the cycles of the moon rather than the sun. This means that while everyone else is popping champagne and watching fireworks on December 31st, you'll be waiting patiently for the sighting of the new moon to announce the arrival of the new year. Talk about being fashionably late!

But here's where things get really interesting – the Hijri New Year doesn't just have one fixed date. Nope, it's a bit like playing hide and seek with time. The exact date of the new year changes every year, depending on when the new moon is spotted. So, you can forget about marking your calendar months in advance – you'll just have to keep your eyes peeled and be ready to celebrate whenever that sneaky moon decides to show its face.

But hey, who needs a fixed date when you can have a floating celebration, right? Think of it as a surprise party that could happen at any moment. One day you're going about your daily routine, and the next thing you know, it's the first day of the Islamic year! It's like winning the lottery, only without the money part. Now, I don't know about you, but I think that's way more exciting than counting down the seconds until midnight on December 31st.

But wait, there's more! The Hijri New Year isn't just a one-day affair – oh no, it's a whole month of festivities. That's right, you get 30 days to celebrate the start of a new year. Talk about getting your money's worth! And trust me, this isn't your average month. It's a month filled with prayers, reflection, and – brace yourself – fasting. Yes, you heard me right, fasting. So, if you thought giving up chocolate for Lent was tough, just wait until you try fasting from sunrise to sunset for an entire month.

Now, before you start panicking, let me assure you that this month isn't all about deprivation and hunger. In fact, it's a time for self-discipline, self-reflection, and self-improvement. It's a time to let go of bad habits and focus on becoming the best version of yourself. So, while your friends are struggling to keep up with their New Year's resolutions for a few weeks, you'll be embarking on a month-long journey of personal growth and spiritual enlightenment. Who needs a gym membership when you've got the Hijri New Year?

But of course, it wouldn't be a proper celebration without some good food, right? And let me tell you, the Hijri New Year has got you covered in that department. After a long day of fasting, it's time to break your fast with a feast fit for a king (or queen). Traditional dishes like lamb biryani, chicken kebabs, and sweet desserts will tantalize your taste buds and remind you of the rich cultural heritage behind this festive occasion. So, forget about counting calories and indulge in some mouthwatering delicacies – you've earned it!

Now, I know what you're thinking – all this fasting and feasting sounds like hard work. And you're absolutely right, it is. But let me tell you, my friend, the rewards are well worth the effort. Not only will you strengthen your willpower and learn to appreciate the simple joys of life, but you'll also gain a deeper understanding of the Islamic faith and the values it upholds. So, if you're looking for a meaningful way to start the new year, one that goes beyond party hats and sparklers, then the Hijri New Year is the perfect opportunity to embark on a transformative journey.

So, there you have it – the Hijri New Year 2017. It's a celebration like no other, filled with surprises, laughter, and perhaps a few hunger pangs along the way. But hey, isn't that what life is all about? So, why not step out of your comfort zone and embrace a whole new way of ringing in the new year? Trust me, you won't regret it.


So, here we are again, welcoming yet another New Year. But hold on a second! Did you know that there is another New Year celebrated by a significant portion of the world's population? That's right, it's the Hijri New Year, and it's time to dive into the festivities with a pinch of humor and a dash of wit.

What is the Hijri New Year?

The Hijri New Year marks the beginning of the Islamic lunar calendar and is celebrated by Muslims worldwide. It commemorates the migration of Prophet Muhammad from Mecca to Medina in 622 AD. Now, don't be fooled by the name; this isn't a year-long party where everyone wears hijabs and eats hummus. Although, that does sound quite tempting!

A Different Kind of Countdown

Unlike the popular countdowns we see on New Year's Eve, the Hijri New Year doesn't involve any sparkly ball drops or fireworks. Instead, Muslims commemorate this occasion by reflecting on the past year, seeking forgiveness, and making resolutions for self-improvement. This means no binge-watching Netflix until midnight, folks!

Time to Fast Forward

Just like the Islamic month of Ramadan, the Hijri New Year also falls under the umbrella of fasting. Many Muslims choose to fast on the day of the new year as an act of devotion and reflection. So, while some people are busy devouring their leftover holiday sweets, others are embracing a whole different level of self-restraint. Talk about dedication!

Out with the Old, In with the New... Calendar

While most people eagerly await the start of the calendar year to buy new planners and calendars, Muslims have already got that covered with the Hijri New Year. It's the perfect opportunity to toss out that old, dog-eared calendar and embrace a fresh start with a lunar twist. And hey, who doesn't love buying new stationery?

A Time for Family and Friends

As with any festive occasion, the Hijri New Year brings families and friends together. Muslims gather to pray, share meals, and exchange warm wishes for the year ahead. It's a time to strengthen relationships, mend broken bonds, and engage in joyful banter. Oh, and did I mention the delicious food that is an integral part of these gatherings? Let the feasting begin!

Resolutions with a Twist

Move aside, typical New Year's resolutions! The Hijri New Year gives Muslims a chance to reflect on their spiritual growth and refocus their efforts on improving their relationship with Allah. From promising to pray more regularly to vowing to read the Quran daily, these resolutions are all about elevating the soul rather than just fitting into those old jeans.

Making Some Noise... or Maybe Not

While some cultures celebrate the New Year by creating a cacophony of noise with fireworks and noisemakers, the Hijri New Year tends to be a quieter affair. Muslims often choose to spend the day in peaceful reflection, offering prayers and seeking blessings from Allah. So, don't expect any midnight firework displays or loud parties; it's more of a serene, zen-like celebration.

It's All About the Moon

The Islamic lunar calendar follows the cycles of the moon, so the sighting of the new moon marks the beginning of the new month. Similarly, the Hijri New Year begins with the sighting of the new moon, which means there's always a bit of anticipation and excitement in the air. Move over, Santa Claus; it's time for the moon to take the spotlight!


As we bid adieu to another eventful year, it's important to embrace the diversity of celebrations around the world, including the Hijri New Year. So, whether you're counting down seconds or contemplating your spiritual journey, let's welcome the new year with open hearts, open minds, and maybe even a dash of humor.

Out with the old, in with the... well, still old! Hijri New Year 2017, a fresh excuse to keep procrastinating those New Year's resolutions!

Time to hit snooze on the Gregorian calendar and wake up to the Hijri New Year! Who needs one countdown when you can have two? It's like getting a second chance at starting fresh, except you're still stuck with the same to-do list from last year. But hey, at least you can blame it on the lunar cycle!

Welcome to the Hijri New Year, where even the oldest of jokes get a second chance to make us laugh! Seriously, how many times have we heard 'I'm on a Hijri-comeback' already? But let's not dwell on the recycled humor, because this is a time for celebration!

Hey, it's Hijri New Year 2017! A perfect opportunity to test your memory by seeing how many of your friends' birthdays you actually remember in the lunar calendar! Good luck trying to explain why you missed their special day because you forgot to convert the date. It's all part of the charm of the Hijri New Year, right?

Who needs fireworks when you have the excitement of starting a brand new month? Bring on the celebrations, aka a day dedicated to restarting your phone to get that monthly data reset! It's like a mini New Year's Eve every month, but without the pressure of making resolutions you'll never keep.

As the Hijri New Year rolls in, it's time to embrace the art of forgetting which year it actually is. Just remember, it's always better to write '2017' than having no idea what year it actually is! Besides, who needs a calendar when you can live in a perpetual state of confusion?

In a world where time sometimes feels like it's moving as slow as waiting for the next Hijri New Year, it's the perfect opportunity to take a chill pill and embrace the concept of 'Hijri Time' – an alternate reality where deadlines don't exist! So what if you're perpetually running late? It's all part of the charm, right?

What do you get when you mix ancient traditions, new beginnings, and a pinch of lunar magic? The Hijri New Year! It's like a celestial restart button, except you still have to pay your bills! But hey, at least you can blame it on the moon!

Hijri New Year 2017: A time to reflect on the past year's accomplishments and remind yourself of all the things that haven't gone according to plan. But hey, at least you still have your sense of humor! Laughter is the best medicine, especially when you realize you've been making the same resolutions for years.

As we step into the new lunar cycle, let's take a moment to appreciate the joys of starting anew – missing appointments because you forgot to convert the date, confusing your friends with random Islamic holiday greetings, and mastering the art of pretending you know what the heck the 'Hijri' in Hijri New Year actually means! It's all part of the adventure.

The Hijri New Year 2017: A Humorous Tale


Once upon a time, in the mystical land of Arabia, the people were gearing up to celebrate the Hijri New Year. The air was filled with excitement and anticipation as everyone prepared for a fresh start in the lunar calendar.

The Hijri New Year Date

The Hijri New Year falls on the first day of Muharram, the first month of the Islamic calendar. In 2017, it was celebrated on September 21st.

The Festive Atmosphere

The streets were adorned with colorful lights, and the aroma of delicious food wafted through the air. People were donning their finest attire, ready to welcome the new year in style.

The Misadventures Begin

In the town of Al-Hasa, lived a man named Ahmed. Known for his mischievous nature, Ahmed was always finding himself in peculiar situations. This year's Hijri New Year celebration was no exception.

Ahmed's Grand Plans

Ahmed had big plans for the Hijri New Year. He decided to throw a grand feast for his friends and family, complete with mouthwatering dishes and lively entertainment.

The Kitchen Catastrophe

As Ahmed stepped into the kitchen to prepare the feast, chaos ensued. He accidentally added salt instead of sugar to the dessert, turning it into a salty disaster. Then, he mistook chili powder for turmeric, resulting in an unexpectedly spicy main course. Despite his best efforts, the kitchen seemed determined to conspire against him.

The Unexpected Guest

Just as Ahmed was lamenting his kitchen mishaps, a knock on the door startled him. He opened it to find his cousin, Ali, standing there with a mischievous grin.

Ali's Prank

Unbeknownst to Ahmed, Ali had decided to bring some excitement to the festivities by dressing up as a fortune teller. With a crystal ball in hand, Ali began predicting absurd future events, leaving everyone in fits of laughter.

The Hilarious Predictions

Ali foresaw Ahmed winning a camel race, despite Ahmed's lack of equestrian skills. He also predicted that Ahmed would become a famous singer, much to the amusement of everyone present. The predictions were so outlandish that even the most serious individuals couldn't help but burst into laughter.

A Night to Remember

As the night progressed, Ahmed realized that despite his kitchen disasters and Ali's pranks, the true essence of the Hijri New Year celebration was in the laughter and joy shared amongst loved ones.

Lessons Learned

Ahmed learned that sometimes, the best memories are made when things don't go according to plan. It's the unexpected twists and turns that make life interesting and memorable.

The Hijri New Year Resolution

With a smile on his face, Ahmed made a resolution for the upcoming year. He vowed to embrace the unpredictable nature of life and find humor in every situation, knowing that laughter is the best remedy for any misadventure.


And so, the people of Al-Hasa bid farewell to the eventful night, cherishing the memories created during the hilarious Hijri New Year celebration. They looked forward to the upcoming year, knowing that no matter what adventures awaited them, laughter would always be by their side.


  • Hijri New Year 2017
  • Muharram
  • Celebration
  • Festive atmosphere
  • Ahmed
  • Kitchen catastrophe
  • Ali's prank
  • Hilarious predictions
  • Lessons learned
  • New Year resolution

Closing Message: Hijri New Year 2017 - A Year of New Beginnings!

And that, my dear blog visitors, brings us to the end of this hilarious journey through the Hijri New Year 2017! We hope you've enjoyed reading our quirky take on this auspicious occasion. As we bid adieu, let's recap all the laughs and insights we shared along the way.

First and foremost, we'd like to thank you for joining us for some light-hearted banter about the Hijri New Year. We know life can be tough, but it's important to find humor even in the most serious of moments. So, kudos to you for sticking around and embracing the comedic side of this holiday!

As we navigated through the paragraphs, we hope you chuckled at our witty remarks about resolutions. Let's face it, how many of us actually stick to them? But hey, if your resolution was to have a good laugh every day, then you're definitely acing it!

Transitioning into discussing the traditions and customs associated with the Hijri New Year, we hope our humorous take on fasting and reflection made you chuckle. It's all about finding joy in the little things, like breaking your fast with a plate full of delicious food or pondering life's mysteries while taking a stroll in the park.

Now, let's not forget the importance of family and friends during this time. We hope our comical anecdotes about family gatherings and gift exchanges brought back some fond memories. After all, what's a celebration without a few embarrassing stories and quirky relatives to spice things up?

As we delved deeper into the significance of the Hijri New Year, we hope our humorous voice didn't overshadow the essence of this sacred occasion. It's a time for self-reflection, growth, and gratitude. So, take a moment to appreciate all the blessings in your life, even if you do it with a cheeky grin!

And now, as we wrap up this hilarious journey, we hope you leave with a smile on your face and a renewed sense of optimism. The Hijri New Year is a chance for new beginnings, so embrace it with open arms. Whether it's learning a new skill, ticking off items from your bucket list, or simply spreading laughter, make this year count!

Remember, life's too short to be serious all the time. So, as you bid farewell to this blog post, go out there and live life to the fullest. Laugh, love, and embrace every moment that comes your way. And hey, if you ever need a good chuckle, remember we're just a click away!

Thank you once again for joining us on this humorous adventure. We hope you have a fantastic Hijri New Year filled with joy, laughter, and unforgettable memories. Until next time, keep smiling and stay hilarious!

People Also Ask About Hijri New Year 2017

Q: What is Hijri New Year?

A: Oh, it's a fabulous time when we bid farewell to the old Islamic year and welcome in a fresh one with open arms. It marks the beginning of the Islamic lunar calendar and is a time for reflection, gratitude, and setting new goals.

Q: When does Hijri New Year 2017 fall?

A: Ah, my friend, mark your calendars! Hijri New Year 2017 fell on October 2nd. It's like having a little sneak peek into the future while still staying true to the lunar calendar.

Q: How do people celebrate Hijri New Year?

A: Well, there are no fireworks or extravagant parties involved, if that's what you're thinking. It's more of a serene affair where people gather with loved ones, offer prayers, and reflect on the year gone by. Some might even indulge in delicious traditional sweets to sweeten up the new year!

Q: Are there any specific traditions associated with Hijri New Year?

A: Absolutely! One popular tradition is to recite the Quran and seek blessings for the upcoming year. People also take this time to visit mosques, share meals with family and friends, and exchange warm wishes. It's all about spreading love and positive vibes!

Q: Can I make resolutions for Hijri New Year?

A: Of course, you can! It's never too late to set some goals and make positive changes in your life. Whether it's being more patient, kinder, or even learning a new skill, Hijri New Year is the perfect time to embrace personal growth and make resolutions that will make you go, Wow, I did it!

So, my friend, embrace the Hijri New Year with open arms, reflect on the past, and make this year a memorable one filled with love, laughter, and a sprinkle of humor!