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Ring in the Blessed New Year 2016 with Joy and Prosperity: A Guide to Celebration and Settling Goals

Blessed New Year 2016

Wishing you a blessed New Year 2016 filled with joy, love, success and good health. May this year bring you endless happiness and prosperity!

Happy New Year! As we bid farewell to 2015 and welcome the promising year of 2016, it's time to reflect on the adventures and misadventures that the previous year brought us. It's also the perfect opportunity to set new goals, make resolutions, and embrace the fresh start that a new year offers. So, let's raise our glasses and toast to a blessed New Year filled with laughter, joy, and a dash of humor!

Transitioning into a new year can sometimes feel like stepping into the unknown. It's like embarking on a roller coaster ride with twists and turns that we can't predict. But fear not, my fellow adventurers, for this roller coaster is one that we're all riding together. We'll laugh, scream, and hold on tight as we navigate through the ups and downs that 2016 has in store for us.

Now, I know some of you might be thinking, But wait, isn't every new year just a continuation of the last one? What's so special about 2016? Well, my friend, let me tell you - 2016 is like a brand new book waiting to be written. It's a blank canvas ready to be painted with vibrant colors and bold strokes. It's an unwritten script just waiting for us to play our part. So, let's make sure that our lines are witty, our performances are memorable, and our comedic timing is on point.

Speaking of comedy, let's take a moment to appreciate the humor that life throws our way. They say that laughter is the best medicine, and what better way to start the year than with a good dose of laughter? So, let's promise ourselves that we won't take life too seriously this year. Let's embrace the absurdity, find humor in the mundane, and laugh at our own quirks and idiosyncrasies.

Now, I won't pretend that 2016 will be all sunshine and rainbows. Life has a way of throwing us curveballs when we least expect it. But remember, my friend, that even in the darkest of times, there is always a glimmer of light. So, let's promise ourselves that we'll seek out that light, no matter how dim it may seem. Let's find joy in the little things, appreciate the beauty around us, and treasure the moments that make us smile.

As we embark on this journey called 2016, let's also remember to be kind to ourselves. We're only human, after all, and we're bound to make mistakes along the way. So, let's give ourselves permission to stumble, to fall, and to get back up again. Let's learn from our failures, grow from our experiences, and above all, let's forgive ourselves for not being perfect.

Now, my dear reader, it's time for us to raise our glasses once again. Let's toast to a blessed New Year filled with love, laughter, and a healthy dose of humor. May 2016 bring us all the happiness and success we deserve. Cheers!


Welcome to the year 2016, my dear friends! It's that time of the year again when we bid farewell to the old and embrace the new with open arms. So, let's kick off this blessed new year with a touch of humor and laughter. After all, what better way to start a fresh year than with a smile on our faces?

Resolutions? What Resolutions?

As the clock strikes midnight on December 31st, many of us make resolutions for the coming year. However, let's be honest here - how many of those do we actually stick to? So, this year, let's take a different approach. Instead of making grandiose resolutions that we'll forget by February, let's resolve to laugh more, worry less, and indulge in guilty pleasures without feeling guilty!

The Gym Dilemma

Oh, the gym! It's that place where we pay exorbitant fees to run on a treadmill and lift heavy things while pretending to know what we're doing. But fear not, my friends, for this year, let's embrace a different kind of exercise. Let's laugh until our bellies ache, dance like nobody's watching, and chase after our dreams with boundless energy. Who needs a gym when life itself can be an exhilarating workout?

That Long To-Do List

We all have that never-ending to-do list that seems to grow taller by the minute. Well, guess what? This year, let's approach it with a bit of humor. Instead of stressing over every unchecked task, let's remember that Rome wasn't built in a day. So, let's tackle our to-do list one hilarious item at a time and enjoy the journey along the way.

The Art of Procrastination

Procrastination - the art of delaying things until the last possible moment. We're all guilty of it, aren't we? So, this year, let's embrace our inner procrastinator and turn it into a superpower. Let's wait until the absolute deadline to complete our tasks and then revel in the adrenaline rush that comes with it. Just remember, my friends, to always deliver your work with a smile and a witty excuse!

The Battle of the Snooze Button

We've all been there, hitting the snooze button on our alarm clocks repeatedly until we're late for everything. But fear not, for this year, let's conquer the snooze button once and for all. Instead of fighting against it, let's make it our ally. Set multiple alarms with funny ringtone reminders, and wake up to the sound of laughter every morning. Who knows, maybe we'll even become morning people?

The Social Media Circus

Ah, social media - the place where we share our perfectly filtered lives and pretend everything is flawless. Well, my dear friends, this year, let's break free from the chains of social media perfection. Let's embrace our quirks, celebrate our imperfections, and post hilariously unfiltered moments that truly reflect who we are. Because life is too short to worry about how many likes a selfie gets!

The Diet Conundrum

Dieting - the eternal struggle between our love for food and our desire to fit into those skinny jeans. But this year, let's approach it with a humorous twist. Let's create a cheat day calendar where every day is a cheat day. Indulge in your favorite treats guilt-free, and remember that laughter and happiness are the best ingredients for a balanced diet.

The Travel Bug

They say traveling broadens the mind, but it can also be a source of hilarious mishaps and adventures. So, this year, let's embrace the travel bug with open arms and a sense of humor. Get lost in foreign cities, try bizarre local delicacies, and make memories that will leave you laughing for years to come. After all, the best travel stories are the ones where everything goes hilariously wrong!


As we embark on this blessed new year, let's remember to approach life with a smile, a chuckle, and a hearty dose of humor. Let's not take ourselves too seriously, for laughter truly is the best medicine. So, here's to a year filled with endless joy, unforgettable laughter, and moments that will have us rolling on the floor in fits of giggles. Happy New Year, my dear friends, may it be the funniest one yet!

Resolutions, Shmesolutions: Let's Make 'Em... And Break 'Em!

Who needs resolutions? Let's be honest, we all know we'll join the gym in January and promptly become best friends with our couch by February. So, why not skip the disappointment and start the year off with a good laugh instead?

The Year of Embracing Our Inner Couch Potato

Sure, we could make extravagant plans and set big goals for the new year. But who are we kidding? Our true calling lies in mastering the art of movie marathons, binge-watching TV shows, and perfecting the art of snacking. Here's to a year of being unapologetically lazy!

Out with the Old, In with the New... Netflix Shows!

Forget spring cleaning and decluttering. This year, let's focus on the important stuff – catching up on all those incredible shows and movies we missed last year. Goodbye, closet organization; hello, Netflix marathon!

The Year of Unapologetic Pajama Wearing

Let's face it, the best outfits are the ones that involve zero effort. So, in 2016, let's embrace the beauty of pajamas, all day, every day. Who needs jeans and fancy clothes when you can rock that onesie like nobody's business?

You Say 'Carpe Diem,' I Say 'Nap Time'

While others are seizing the day, let's seize the opportunity to take a good nap. Productivity can wait; sleep is a much more reliable companion. Besides, dreaming about success also counts... right?

To New Year's Resolutions We'll Never Keep

Raise your glass to all those resolutions that never stood a chance. Sure, we aimed for the moon, but life handed us cake and a Netflix marathon instead. Here's to good intentions and zero follow-through!

New Year, Same Old Me... and I'm Fabulous

Why change who we are? Let's embrace our quirks, flaws, and peculiarities. After all, we wouldn't want the world to miss out on our unique brand of fabulousness. So, bring on the year of unapologetic authenticity!

Aging Like Fine Wine... or Milk... Whatever Works, Really

Another year older? Well, that just means we're one year closer to reaching peak wisdom and achieving the perfect balance between maturity and silliness. Let the wrinkles and laughter lines remind us that life is too short for seriousness.

Proudly Procrastinating Since 2016

Procrastination may be our middle name, but let's wear it with pride. Why rush through life when we can savor every precious moment of last-minute panic and adrenaline-fueled accomplishments? Greatness takes time... or so we like to tell ourselves.

Cheers to a Year Full of Adventures, Laughter, and Zero Adulting

Let's make a pact: 2016 will be the year of embracing our childlike spirit and refusing to grow up. Give in to the urge to jump in puddles, indulge in copious amounts of candy, and laugh until our bellies hurt. Because being an adult can wait, right?

The Adventures of Blessed New Year 2016

Once upon a time in the land of calendars...

In the magical land of calendars, there lived a year called 2016. This year was special because it was blessed with good luck and fortune. Everywhere it went, people celebrated and rejoiced, eagerly awaiting the adventures this new year would bring.

The Journey Begins

As the clock struck midnight on December 31st, 2015, Blessed New Year 2016 sprang to life. With a sparkle in its eye and a skip in its step, it set off on its journey to bring joy and happiness to everyone it encountered.

With each passing day, Blessed New Year 2016 brought unexpected surprises and hilarious mishaps. It seemed like laughter followed it wherever it went. From slipping on banana peels to accidentally spilling coffee on important documents, this year had a knack for turning even the most mundane events into comedic episodes.

The Humorous Pranks

Blessed New Year 2016 wasn't just about spreading joy; it loved playing pranks too. People would wake up to find their socks mysteriously missing or their breakfast magically transformed into a plate of jellybeans. No one knew who was behind these mischievous acts, but they couldn't help but laugh and enjoy the playful nature of the year.

The funniest prank of all happened during a grand New Year's Eve party. As the clock struck midnight, instead of confetti raining down, rubber chickens flew through the air, causing fits of laughter among the crowd. Blessed New Year 2016 had certainly left its mark on that memorable night.

The Table of Blessings

Throughout its journey, Blessed New Year 2016 brought with it a table of blessings. This table was filled with good fortune, opportunities, and memorable experiences. It offered everyone a chance to find happiness and success in their lives.

Here is a glimpse of the table of blessings that Blessed New Year 2016 provided:

  • 1. Abundance of laughter and joy
  • 2. Unexpected adventures and surprises
  • 3. Opportunities for personal growth and success
  • 4. Memorable moments with loved ones
  • 5. Pranks and humorous escapades

Everyone eagerly gathered around this table, cherishing the gifts it offered. They knew that Blessed New Year 2016 had truly brought them a year full of happiness and lightheartedness.

In conclusion...

Blessed New Year 2016 was a year like no other. With its humorous voice and mischievous nature, it brought smiles to faces and laughter to hearts. It taught us to embrace the unexpected, find joy in the little things, and never take life too seriously. As the year came to an end, people wished for another year as blessed and joyful as this one.

Wishing You a Hilariously Blessed New Year 2016!

Hey there, fellow humans! As we bid farewell to the shenanigans of 2015, I couldn't resist popping in to sprinkle some laughter and joy into your lives. So grab a cup of your favorite beverage, put on your comedy hats, and let's dive headfirst into the pool of hilarity that awaits us in 2016! Trust me, this year is going to be a rollercoaster ride of chuckles, guffaws, and knee-slapping moments. Buckle up, my friends!

Before we embark on this riotous adventure, let's take a moment to reflect on the craziness that was 2015. Remember when Pluto was demoted from being a planet? Oh, poor Pluto! Talk about an identity crisis. But hey, look on the bright side, Pluto, at least you're still a beloved cartoon character and have the hearts of millions. Keep shining, little guy!

Now, let's talk about those New Year's resolutions. We all know how it goes - we start the year with grand plans to hit the gym, eat healthier, and finally learn to play that instrument gathering dust in the corner. But by February, we're back to our old habits, devouring a tub of ice cream while binge-watching our favorite TV show. Let's be real, folks. The struggle is real! But fear not, for 2016 will be different. How, you ask? Well, let's just say I've invented a new diet plan that involves eating chocolate every day. You're welcome!

Transitioning into the topic of technology, can we just take a moment to appreciate how far we've come? From clunky cellphones the size of bricks to sleek smartphones that can practically run our lives, it's been quite the journey. But let's not forget the countless hours we've spent arguing with voice assistants who never seem to understand a word we say. Siri, Alexa, and Google, I salute your unwavering commitment to confusion!

Speaking of technology, social media has undoubtedly taken over our lives. We spend more time scrolling through our newsfeeds than having actual conversations. But hey, at least we now have a platform to share cat videos with the world. And let's not forget about those endless selfies. Oh, the lengths we go to capture the perfect angle and lighting! I must admit, though, some of those duck-face selfies are truly a work of art.

Now, let's address the elephant in the room - politics. Ah, the never-ending circus that keeps us entertained year after year. From heated debates to scandalous revelations, there's never a dull moment in the world of politics. So here's to another year of outrageous speeches, bizarre campaign promises, and politicians trying their best to win our hearts (and votes).

But enough about the serious stuff, let's talk about the most important aspect of life - food! Whether you're a gourmet chef or a microwave master, food brings us all together. From avocado obsessions to kale everything, the trends may change, but our love for delicious meals remains constant. So whip out those aprons, dust off those cookbooks, and get ready to embark on a culinary adventure like no other in 2016!

As we enter this new year, let's remember to laugh, love, and embrace the absurdity that life throws our way. Cherish the moments that make you smile, surround yourself with people who bring out your inner goofball, and never underestimate the power of a good belly laugh. So here's to a blessed, joyful, and uproariously funny New Year 2016! May it be filled with endless laughter, delightful surprises, and a whole lot of happiness. Cheers to you, my friends!

People Also Ask About Blessed New Year 2016

1. What is a Blessed New Year?

A Blessed New Year is like a regular new year, but with extra blessings sprinkled on top. It's the kind of year where good luck finds you at every corner, and all your dreams magically come true. Picture it as a year-long vacation with unlimited happiness and success!

2. How can I make sure my New Year is truly blessed?

Well, first of all, you need to find a four-leaf clover, a horseshoe, and a rabbit's foot. Keep them with you at all times for maximum blessings. Secondly, make sure to do a little happy dance every morning to attract positive vibes. Lastly, don't forget to wear your lucky socks every day! With these foolproof methods, your New Year is practically guaranteed to be blessed.

3. Is it necessary to sacrifice a chocolate cake to the New Year gods for blessings?

While sacrificing a chocolate cake to the New Year gods might seem like a delicious idea, it's not a requirement for a blessed year (phew!). However, sharing a slice of cake with your loved ones can definitely bring some extra joy and sweetness to your life. Plus, who doesn't love cake?

4. Can I request specific blessings for the New Year?

Absolutely! The New Year hotline is always open for special blessing requests. Just dial 1-800-BLESSED and speak your desires into the phone (preferably in a dramatic voice). Whether you want a promotion, a new car, or an endless supply of pizza, the New Year gods are here to grant your wishes (well, maybe not the pizza, but it's worth a try!).

5. What should I do if my New Year doesn't feel blessed?

If you find yourself in a non-blessed situation, fear not! Simply gather some friends, put on your silliest outfits, and embark on a spontaneous dance party in the middle of the street. Laughter is the best remedy for a lack of blessings. And remember, sometimes the best blessings are the ones we create ourselves through kindness, gratitude, and a good sense of humor.