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Discover Spiritual Growth in 2022 with Our New Year Devotional Guide

New Year Devotional 2022

Start your 2022 with a spiritual boost! Our New Year Devotional will help you connect with God and set intentions for the year ahead.

If you're looking for a way to start the new year with some spiritual insights, then look no further! Our New Year Devotional 2022 is here and it's jam-packed with words of wisdom, encouragement, and humor that will help you navigate the upcoming year with ease.

As we kick off the new year, it's important to reflect on the past and look forward to the future. But let's be honest, sometimes that can be a bit overwhelming. That's why our devotional is designed to provide you with bite-sized nuggets of inspiration to help you stay focused and grounded.

But don't worry, this isn't your typical dry devotional. We've injected plenty of humor and lightheartedness to keep things engaging and fun. So whether you're a seasoned believer or just starting out on your faith journey, there's something for everyone in here.

From tips on how to cultivate gratitude to reflections on the power of forgiveness, our devotional covers a wide range of topics to help you grow in your faith. And with daily readings that take just a few minutes to complete, it's the perfect way to start your day off on the right foot.

One of the things we love about this devotional is that it's not just about reading, it's about applying what you read to your life. Each day includes a reflection question or action step to help you put what you've learned into practice.

But don't worry, we're not going to overwhelm you with a laundry list of things to do. Instead, we've kept things simple and practical so that you can actually implement these ideas into your daily routine.

And if you're worried about falling behind or missing a day, don't stress! We've included a handy progress tracker to help you stay on top of your readings and make sure you don't miss a beat.

So what are you waiting for? Whether you're looking to deepen your faith, gain some new insights, or just start the year off on the right foot, our New Year Devotional 2022 has got you covered. So grab a cup of coffee, sit back, and get ready to be inspired!


Well folks, it's that time of the year again where we all start making resolutions that we know we'll never keep. That's right, it's the New Year! This is the time when we all reflect on the past year and think about how we can improve ourselves in the coming year. And what better way to kick off the new year than with a devotional to keep our minds and hearts focused on God?

The Typical New Year Devotional

We've all been there before – sitting in a church service or small group meeting listening to a pastor or leader give a New Year devotional. They usually start off by talking about how important it is to make resolutions and set goals for the coming year. Then they throw in some scripture verses about perseverance and self-discipline. And finally, they end with a prayer asking God to help us achieve our goals.

An Alternative Approach

But what if we took a different approach this year? Instead of focusing solely on ourselves and our own goals, what if we focused on God's goals for us? What if we made our New Year devotional more about surrendering our will to His, instead of trying to bend His will to ours?

Letting Go of Control

One of the biggest obstacles we face when it comes to surrendering to God's will is our desire for control. We like to feel like we're in charge of our lives and that we have a say in how things turn out. But the truth is, God is the one who is ultimately in control. And when we try to take control away from Him, we only end up causing ourselves more stress and anxiety.

Trusting in God's Plan

So instead of trying to control everything, let's focus on trusting in God's plan for our lives. Let's remember that He has a purpose for us and that everything He allows to happen in our lives is for our ultimate good. When we trust in Him, we can let go of our worries and anxieties and find peace in His presence.

Living in the Moment

Another way we can surrender to God's will is by living in the moment. We often get so caught up in planning for the future or dwelling on the past that we forget to enjoy the present moment. But when we learn to live in the moment, we can experience the fullness of life that God intended for us.

Being Present with God

Living in the moment also means being present with God. Instead of rushing through our devotional time or checking it off our to-do list, let's take the time to really connect with God. Let's listen to His voice and allow Him to speak to our hearts. When we are present with God, we can experience His love and grace in a deeper way.

Focusing on Others

Finally, let's not forget about others as we make our New Year devotional plans. God calls us to love and serve others, and when we focus on their needs instead of our own, we can experience the joy of selflessness that comes from following Christ.

Praying for Others

One way we can focus on others is by praying for them. Let's make a list of people in our lives who need prayer and commit to lifting them up regularly. When we pray for others, we not only bless them, but we also grow in compassion and empathy.

Serving Others

Another way we can focus on others is by serving them. Let's look for ways to bless those around us, whether it's through volunteering at a local charity or simply helping a neighbor in need. When we serve others, we reflect the love of Christ and bring hope to a hurting world.


So there you have it, folks – an alternative approach to the typical New Year devotional. Instead of focusing on ourselves and our own goals, let's surrender to God's will for our lives, live in the moment, and focus on loving and serving others. May this new year be filled with blessings as we seek to follow Christ more closely in all that we do.

New Year Devotional 2022: Laughing in the Face of Adversity

As we bid farewell to 2021, it's time to welcome in the new year with open arms and open hearts. But before we start making grandiose resolutions, let's take a moment to reflect on the past year. Did we accomplish everything we set out to do? Probably not. But that's okay. It's time to embrace exactly who we are and strive for growth instead of perfection. New year, new me...or not.

Auld Lang See Ya Later, 2021

It's been real, but it's time to say goodbye to the past year and all its challenges. Let's face it, 2021 was a bit of a dumpster fire. But as we move forward, let's focus on what we've learned from those experiences. We may not have control over everything that happens in our lives, but we do have control over how we respond to it. So, let's respond with grace, humor, and faith.

Countdown to Couch Time

Who needs a wild party when you can countdown to cozying up on the couch with a good devotional and a warm blanket? There's something magical about starting the new year off with a little bit of peace and quiet. So, grab your favorite book, light a candle, and get ready to relax. It's time to recharge for the year ahead.

Divine Resolutions

Instead of focusing solely on our own goals, let's make resolutions that align with God's will and plan for our lives. This doesn't mean we can't have personal aspirations, but rather we should approach them with a willingness to surrender to God's direction. When we align our will with His, we set ourselves up for success in ways we could never imagine.

New Year, Same Church Pew

No matter what the new year brings, one thing is for sure- we'll still be showing up to church (even if we snooze through the first few minutes of the sermon). Let's make a commitment to continue growing in our faith and fellowship with our church family. We may not always feel like going to church, but we'll never regret it once we're there.

Making Jesus Proud, One Step at a Time

Let's focus on making small, tangible steps towards living our lives in a way that would make Jesus proud. It's easy to get overwhelmed by the big picture, but when we break it down into manageable chunks, it becomes much more doable. Whether it's volunteering, giving to charity, or simply being kind to others, let's strive to make a difference in the world around us.

2022, We Can Do This

With God by our side, there's nothing we can't overcome and achieve in the upcoming year. Let's face whatever comes our way with confidence, knowing that we have a loving Father who is always with us. No challenge is too great, no obstacle too daunting. We've got this.

Let's Get Our Pray On

Prayer is powerful, and there's no better time than the start of a new year to ramp up our communication with God. Let's make a commitment to spend more time in prayer, seeking His guidance and wisdom in all aspects of our lives. Whether it's in the morning, at night, or throughout the day, let's make prayer a priority.

Cheers to a Year of Spiritual Growth

May this year bring new revelations, deepened relationships with God and others, and a renewed sense of purpose and direction in our lives. Let's face it, life can be tough, but when we approach it with humor, faith, and a willingness to grow, we can overcome anything. So, let's raise a glass to the new year and all the adventures it holds.

New Year Devotional 2022: A Humorous Tale

The Setting

It was the first day of the year 2022, and people from all walks of life gathered at the local church for the annual New Year devotional. The atmosphere was filled with excitement and anticipation as everyone eagerly awaited the start of the program.

The Program

The program started with a prayer, followed by a few hymns, and then the guest speaker was introduced. The speaker, who was known for his humorous anecdotes, began his speech, and the audience was hooked from the very first sentence.

The Highlight

As the speaker talked about the importance of setting goals for the new year, he shared a funny story about his own failed attempts at keeping his resolutions. The audience roared with laughter as he recounted how he had promised to go to the gym every day but ended up skipping it after the first week.

He then went on to talk about the need for perseverance and how we should not give up on our goals even if we fail. He urged everyone to keep trying and never lose hope, no matter how many times they stumble.

The Conclusion

The program ended with a final prayer, and people left the church feeling inspired and ready to take on whatever challenges the new year had in store for them. They knew that even if they failed, they would never give up and would always keep pushing forward.

The Keywords

  • New Year Devotional 2022
  • Humorous voice and tone
  • Hymns
  • Guest speaker
  • Setting goals
  • Perseverance
  • Inspiration

The Moral of the Story

The New Year Devotional 2022 was not just about setting goals and making resolutions. It was about finding the courage to keep going, even when things get tough. It was about learning to laugh at ourselves and not take life too seriously. And most importantly, it was about finding inspiration in the stories of others and using that inspiration to become better versions of ourselves.

Closing Message for New Year Devotional 2022

Well, folks, we've reached the end of our New Year Devotional 2022 journey. It's been a wild ride, full of ups and downs, twists and turns, and probably a few too many cheesy Bible verses for some of your tastes. But hey, that's what you signed up for, right?

As we close out this devotional and look ahead to the new year, I want to leave you with a few final thoughts (because let's be real, I can't just let you go that easily).

Firstly, I hope that this devotional has been a source of inspiration and encouragement for you as you navigate whatever challenges come your way in 2022. Whether you're dealing with health issues, family drama, work stress, or just the general chaos of life, remember that you are not alone. God is with you every step of the way, even when it feels like you're walking through the valley of the shadow of death (or maybe just the valley of endless Zoom meetings).

Secondly, I want to remind you that it's okay to not have everything figured out. As we head into a new year, there's often pressure to set resolutions, make big changes, and have our lives all neatly structured and planned out. But the truth is, life doesn't always work that way. Sometimes we need to embrace the messiness, the uncertainty, and the unknown. And that's where faith comes in – trusting that God has a plan for us, even when we don't know what it is.

Thirdly, I want to encourage you to keep seeking out community and connection. This past year has been tough on all of us, and many of us have felt isolated and disconnected from the people and places that bring us joy. But even when we can't physically be together, there are still ways to connect – through phone calls, video chats, social media, and even good old-fashioned snail mail. Don't underestimate the power of a kind word or a listening ear.

Finally, I want to say thank you for joining me on this devotional journey. Whether you've been reading along every day or just stumbled upon this post by accident, I appreciate you taking the time to engage with these words and ideas. I hope that they have helped you grow in your faith, challenged you to think differently, and maybe even made you laugh a time or two.

So as we say goodbye to 2021 and hello to 2022, remember this: life is messy, but God is faithful. May you find peace, joy, and hope in the coming year, and may you never lose sight of the incredible love that surrounds you always.

Until next time, my friends!

People Also Ask About New Year Devotional 2022

What is a New Year devotional?

A New Year devotional is a series of religious readings, prayers, and meditations that are intended to inspire and guide individuals as they begin the new year.

What is the purpose of a New Year devotional?

The purpose of a New Year devotional is to help individuals focus their minds and hearts on God as they enter into the new year. It provides an opportunity for reflection, repentance, and renewal, as well as a chance to set spiritual goals and seek God's guidance for the year ahead.

Are there any funny New Year devotionals?

Well, I'm not sure about funny, but there are certainly devotionals that employ a more lighthearted tone. After all, just because we're talking about spiritual matters doesn't mean we can't have a little fun!

Can I use a New Year devotional with my family?

Absolutely! In fact, using a devotional as a family can be a great way to strengthen your relationships and deepen your faith together. You could even take turns leading the devotionals or discussing your thoughts and feelings with one another.

What if I don't know where to start with a New Year devotional?

No worries! There are plenty of resources available online or at your local Christian bookstore that can help you find a devotional that suits your needs. You could also ask a trusted friend or pastor for recommendations. And remember, the most important thing is simply to start somewhere.

Is it okay to skip a day of my New Year devotional?

Of course! While it's certainly beneficial to try to stick to a regular routine, it's important to remember that grace and flexibility are also key components of any spiritual practice. If you miss a day or two, don't beat yourself up over it - just pick up where you left off and keep moving forward.

Can a New Year devotional really make a difference in my life?

Absolutely! The power of prayer and meditation should never be underestimated, and committing to a daily devotional practice can have a profound impact on your spiritual growth and overall well-being. Just remember to approach the process with an open heart and mind, and trust that God will meet you where you are.