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Stunning Images of 2016 New Year Celebrations - Ringing in the New Year with a Bang!

Images Of 2016 New Year

Explore the best Images of 2016 New Year - fireworks, parties, celebrations and more. Get inspired for your own festivities!

As we bid farewell to 2016, let us take a moment to reminisce the year that was. It has been a rollercoaster ride filled with ups and downs, twists and turns, and everything in between. And what better way to capture the essence of the year than through images that perfectly encapsulate the happenings of 2016? From politics to entertainment, from sports to technology, from the hilarious to the heartwarming, we've got it all covered. So buckle up and get ready for a trip down memory lane as we present to you the most iconic images of the year.

Let's start off with the biggest event of the year - the US Presidential Elections. Love him or hate him, there's no denying that Donald Trump's victory was one of the most shocking moments of 2016. The image of him giving his victory speech with his family by his side is a sight that will forever be etched in our minds. But who can forget the hilarious memes that flooded the internet after his win? From Make America Great Again hats to orange spray tan jokes, social media was on fire with Trump-related humor.

Speaking of humor, one of the funniest moments of the year was when the internet went crazy over Harambe, the gorilla who was shot at the Cincinnati Zoo. Memes featuring Harambe were everywhere, from Twitter to Facebook to Instagram. There were even petitions to make him the next President of the United States! In a year filled with so much negativity, Harambe provided us with a much-needed dose of laughter.

On a more serious note, 2016 was also a year of tragedy. The terrorist attacks in Brussels, Nice, and Berlin left the world in shock and mourning. The image of people coming together to pay their respects and show solidarity with the victims was a poignant reminder that even in the darkest of times, humanity can still shine through.

But it wasn't all doom and gloom. 2016 also gave us some heartwarming moments that brought a smile to our faces. Remember the viral video of the Chewbacca Mom? The sheer joy on her face as she tried on a Chewbacca mask and laughed uncontrollably was infectious. It was a simple moment that reminded us to find joy in the little things.

Of course, we can't talk about 2016 without mentioning the Olympics. The image of Usain Bolt grinning at the camera as he crossed the finish line to win his third consecutive gold medal in the 100m will go down in history as one of the greatest sporting moments of all time. But it wasn't just Bolt who stole the show - Simone Biles, Michael Phelps, and Katie Ledecky all made headlines for their incredible performances.

Technology also played a big role in 2016, with virtual reality becoming more mainstream and Pokemon Go taking the world by storm. Who could forget the sight of people wandering around with their phones, trying to catch Pikachu and Charmander? It was a cultural phenomenon that brought people together and got them out of the house.

And let's not forget the entertainment industry. Beyonce's Lemonade album and accompanying visuals were a work of art, while Stranger Things had everyone binge-watching on Netflix. And who could resist the charm of Ryan Reynolds in Deadpool?

As we come to the end of our journey through the images of 2016, we can't help but feel a sense of gratitude for the year that was. It may have been a crazy ride, but it was one that we wouldn't want to miss for the world. So here's to 2016 - the good, the bad, and the unforgettable.

2016: The Year of Memes and Funny Images

2016 has come and gone, leaving behind a trail of funny images and memes that are still making us laugh. From political memes to viral challenges, this year was filled with moments that we won't forget anytime soon. Let's take a look back at some of the funniest images of 2016.

The Year of Political Memes

2016 was a big year for politics, and it's no surprise that political memes dominated social media. From Donald Trump's hair to Hillary Clinton's emails, the internet had a field day with the presidential election. One of the most popular memes of the year was the Distracted Boyfriend meme, which featured a man checking out another woman while his girlfriend looked on in disgust. This meme was used to comment on everything from politics to pop culture.

The Rise of the Mannequin Challenge

The Mannequin Challenge took over the internet in late 2016, with everyone from celebrities to sports teams participating. The challenge involved standing still like a mannequin while someone filmed the scene. The result was a hilarious video of people frozen in time. Some of the best Mannequin Challenge videos included the Dallas Cowboys, the Cleveland Cavaliers, and even the cast of Saturday Night Live.

The Pokémon Go Craze

In the summer of 2016, Pokémon Go took over the world. The augmented reality game allowed players to catch Pokémon in real-life locations, leading to some hilarious images of people hunting for creatures in unusual places. From catching a Pikachu in the bathroom to finding a Snorlax in a tree, Pokémon Go provided endless entertainment for players and bystanders alike.

The Olympics Bring the Laughs

The 2016 Olympics in Rio de Janeiro brought some of the funniest images of the year. From Michael Phelps' death stare to Usain Bolt's famous pose, the Olympics provided plenty of comedic material. One of the most memorable moments was when a Mongolian wrestler stripped down to his underwear in protest of a controversial call. The image of the half-naked wrestler became an instant meme and provided some much-needed comic relief during the intense competition.

The Year of the Dog Filter

2016 was also the year of the dog filter. Snapchat's popular filter allowed users to add puppy ears and a nose to their faces, leading to some hilarious images and videos. Even celebrities got in on the trend, with everyone from Kylie Jenner to Justin Bieber using the filter on social media.

The Chewbacca Mom Goes Viral

In May of 2016, Candace Payne became an internet sensation when she posted a video of herself wearing a Chewbacca mask and laughing hysterically. The video quickly went viral, and Payne became known as the Chewbacca Mom. Her infectious laughter and love for Star Wars brought joy to millions of people and made her one of the most beloved internet stars of the year.

The Year of the Crying Jordan Meme

The Crying Jordan meme has been around for a few years, but it reached new heights in 2016. The meme features a photo of Michael Jordan crying, which is superimposed onto a variety of images. The meme was used to mock everything from sports teams to political candidates, and it became one of the most recognizable memes of the year.

The Year of the Harambe Meme

When Harambe the gorilla was killed at the Cincinnati Zoo in May of 2016, the internet went into mourning. Harambe quickly became a meme, with people creating images and videos in his honor. Some of the best Harambe memes included Harambe as a Pokémon, Harambe as a presidential candidate, and Harambe as a superhero.

The Internet Loves Pizza Rat

In 2015, a video of a rat carrying a slice of pizza down the stairs of a New York City subway station went viral. In 2016, Pizza Rat made a comeback with a series of hilarious images and videos. People created everything from Pizza Rat Halloween costumes to Pizza Rat memes featuring other animals carrying food.

The Year of the Trump Handshake

Donald Trump's unique handshake style became a meme in 2016. The President-elect is known for pulling people towards him and shaking their hands aggressively, leading to some awkward and hilarious moments. The Trump handshake meme was used to comment on everything from politics to pop culture.

Overall, 2016 was a year filled with funny images and memes that kept us entertained. As we move into 2017, we can only hope that the internet will continue to provide us with endless laughs and entertainment.

The Year That Kept On Giving Us Memes

2016 was a year full of surprises, both good and bad. But one thing was for sure - it kept on giving us memes to laugh at. From the infamous Damn Daniel to Arthur Fist, the internet was flooded with hilarious images that we just couldn't get enough of.

When Photoshop Trolls Got Creative In Welcoming The New Year

As the clock struck midnight on December 31st, people around the world celebrated in their own unique ways. But some took it upon themselves to welcome the new year in a more creative way - through the power of Photoshop. From placing themselves in exotic locations to adding ridiculous accessories, these trolls made us laugh out loud.

2016: The Year Of Cringe-worthy New Year's Resolutions

Every year, people make resolutions to better themselves in some way. But 2016 seemed to take it to a whole new level of cringe. From vowing to give up pizza (blasphemy!) to promising to start a juice cleanse (ugh), these resolutions were enough to make us roll our eyes.

The Most Unflattering New Year's Eve Photos Of Celebrities

Celebrities are often seen as the epitome of perfection, but even they have their off days. And when it comes to New Year's Eve, some of them seem to lose all sense of fashion and style. From questionable outfit choices to awkward poses, these photos had us cringing on behalf of the celebrities.

New Year, Same Old Hangover - The Best Party Fails Of 2016

Let's face it, we've all had those nights where we've had a bit too much to drink and regretted it in the morning. And 2016 was no exception. From falling asleep at the party to waking up with a stranger, these party fails had us laughing (and cringing) all year long.

When Someone Sneezed During The NYE Kiss - Most Awkward Moments Caught On Camera

The New Year's Eve kiss is supposed to be a romantic moment, but sometimes things don't go according to plan. And when someone sneezes right in the middle of it? Well, that's just awkward. These moments caught on camera had us feeling secondhand embarrassment for the couples.

2016's Worst Dressed Celebrities At New Year's Eve Parties

When it comes to New Year's Eve parties, everyone wants to look their best. But some celebrities missed the mark completely. From mismatched outfits to questionable accessories, these fashion disasters had us wondering what they were thinking.

The Epic Disappointment Of Times Square's 2016 Ball Drop

For many people, watching the ball drop in Times Square is a tradition. But in 2016, it seemed like everything that could go wrong did. From Mariah Carey's disastrous performance to the malfunctioning confetti, it was an epic disappointment that had us shaking our heads.

Orlando Bloom Taking A Nude Dip On New Year's Day - Most Shared Pic Of 2016

When Orlando Bloom was spotted taking a naked dip on New Year's Day, the internet went wild. It quickly became the most shared picture of 2016, and for good reason - who wouldn't want to see a naked Orlando Bloom?

When Your New Year's Eve Expectation Vs Reality Meme Took On A Life Of Its Own

We've all been there - we have high expectations for New Year's Eve, only to be let down by reality. And when the expectation vs reality meme took off on social media, it became a phenomenon. From hilarious to downright depressing, these memes had us laughing (and relating) all year long.

So there you have it - 2016 in all its meme-worthy glory. Here's hoping that 2017 will bring us even more laughs (and fewer cringe-worthy moments).

Images of 2016 New Year

The Story

It was just another New Year's Eve party, and everyone was excited to welcome 2016. As the clock struck midnight, we all cheered and hugged each other, wishing the best for the upcoming year. And then came the fireworks, illuminating the sky with a spectacular show of colors. But what caught my attention were the images people shared on social media the next day.

There were pictures of people kissing their loved ones, of friends raising champagne glasses, and of families hugging each other. But there were also some hilarious images that made me laugh out loud. One of my friends had posted a photo of himself, wearing a party hat and holding a sign that said, I survived 2015. Another friend had shared a picture of her dog, dressed in a tuxedo, with the caption, Ready for the paw-some 2016.

But the funniest image I saw was a meme that had gone viral. It was a picture of Leonardo DiCaprio, holding a glass of champagne, with the words, I hope 2016 is the year I finally win an Oscar. As a fan of Leo myself, I couldn't help but laugh at the irony of it.

The Point of View

Looking back at the Images of 2016 New Year, I can't help but appreciate the humor that people brought to it. In a world where we often take ourselves too seriously, it's refreshing to see that we can still find reasons to laugh and make fun of ourselves. These images remind us that life doesn't have to be all serious and gloomy, and that we should embrace the little moments of joy and laughter that come our way.

Table Information


  • New Year's Eve party
  • Fireworks
  • Social media
  • Humorous images
  • Meme
  • Leonardo DiCaprio

The table below summarizes the key information discussed in this article:

New Year's Eve partyA celebration held on December 31st to welcome the new year.
FireworksA display of pyrotechnics, often used to mark special occasions.
Social mediaOnline platforms where users can share content and interact with others.
Humorous imagesPictures that are meant to be funny or entertaining.
MemeAn image, video, or piece of text that is spread rapidly on the internet, often with humorous intent.
Leonardo DiCaprioAn actor known for his roles in movies such as Titanic, Inception, and The Revenant.

No Title, Just Laughs: Closing Message for Images of 2016 New Year

And that's a wrap, folks! We've reached the end of our journey through the wacky, wild, and wonderful world of Images of 2016 New Year. If you're still with us, congratulations! You've made it to the end without getting lost in a sea of confetti and glitter.

We hope you've enjoyed the ride as much as we have. From fireworks to funny hats, from champagne to countdowns, we've seen it all. And we've laughed, cried, and cringed our way through every moment.

But now it's time to say goodbye. We'll miss you, dear reader, but don't worry - we'll be back soon with more hilarious content to tickle your funny bone.

Before we go, let's take one final look back at some of the highlights of our journey. Remember that time we saw a group of penguins celebrating the new year? Or the time we found a photo of a dog wearing a party hat? Classic.

But it wasn't just the animal kingdom that brought the laughs. We also witnessed some creative and downright bizarre ways to ring in the new year. Who knew you could make a dress out of balloons?

And let's not forget about the people. From the awkward family photos to the cringe-worthy selfies, we saw it all. But hey, at least they were having fun, right?

As we say goodbye, we leave you with this final thought: life is short, so why not laugh a little (or a lot)? Whether you're celebrating the new year or just going about your day-to-day, remember to find joy in the little things.

So go ahead, dance like no one's watching. Wear that silly hat. Take that embarrassing selfie. Life's too short to take yourself too seriously.

Thank you for joining us on this journey through the Images of 2016 New Year. We'll see you next time for more laughs, more smiles, and more memories.

Until then, keep smiling and keep laughing. And most importantly, keep being you.

People Also Ask about Images of 2016 New Year

What are some funny New Year images for 2016?

Here are some hilarious New Year images for you:

  • A picture of a cat with a party hat on its head, saying I'm ready to paw-ty!
  • An image of a sloth saying New Year's resolution: nap more.
  • A photo of a dog wearing glasses and reading a book titled How to be a Good Boy in 2016.

Where can I find the best New Year images for 2016?

You can find amazing New Year images on various platforms:

  1. Google Images
  2. Pinterest
  3. Instagram
  4. Facebook

You can also look for New Year images on online greeting card websites or create your own using photo editing tools.

What are some popular New Year images for 2016?

Some of the most popular New Year images for 2016 include:

  • A picture of fireworks with Happy New Year written on it.
  • An image of a clock striking midnight with Cheers to a New Year written on it.
  • A photo of a champagne bottle popping with confetti and streamers in the background.

Can I use New Year images for commercial purposes?

It depends on the copyright laws. Some New Year images may be free to use for commercial purposes, while others may require permission from the owner. It's best to check the terms and conditions of the website or creator before using any New Year images for commercial purposes.

Happy New Year 2016!

May your year be filled with laughter, joy, and lots of amazing memories!