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Top 10 Inspiring New Year's Eve Movie Quotes to Kickstart Your 2021 with a Bang!

New Year Eve Movie Quotes

Ring in the New Year with these memorable quotes from classic movies. From funny to inspirational, find your perfect quote for the occasion.

It's that time of the year again when we're all ready to bid adieu to the current year and welcome the new one with open arms. And what better way to celebrate this occasion than to watch some of the most iconic New Year's Eve movie quotes. These quotes are sure to make you reminisce about the past year and motivate you to make the most out of the upcoming one.

Let's start with one of the most popular New Year's Eve movies, 'When Harry Met Sally'. In this classic rom-com, Harry says, I came here tonight because when you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible. This quote is perfect for those who have found their special someone and want to take their relationship to the next level in the upcoming year.

If you're looking for a more humorous quote, then look no further than 'The Hudsucker Proxy'. In this movie, Amy Archer says, You know, for kids. This quote is perfect for those who have been feeling a little childish lately and want to embrace their inner child in the coming year.

For those who are feeling a little lost, the movie 'The Holiday' has the perfect quote. In this movie, Iris says, Iris, in the movies, we have leading ladies and we have the best friend. You, I can tell, are a leading lady, but for some reason, you're behaving like the best friend. This quote is a reminder to all the leading ladies out there that they should stop playing second fiddle to others and start taking charge of their lives.

Another classic New Year's Eve movie is 'Bridget Jones's Diary'. In this movie, Bridget says, I will not be defeated by a bad man and an American stick insect. Instead, I choose vodka. And Chaka Khan. This quote is perfect for those who have had a tough year and want to start the new one with a positive attitude and some good old-fashioned fun.

Now, let's move on to a more serious New Year's Eve movie, 'The Godfather Part II'. In this movie, Michael Corleone says, I know it was you, Fredo. You broke my heart. You broke my heart! This quote is a reminder that sometimes the people we love the most can hurt us the most, and it's important to forgive but never forget.

For those who are feeling a little nostalgic, the movie 'Forrest Gump' has the perfect New Year's Eve quote. In this movie, Forrest says, My mama always said life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get. This quote is a reminder that life is full of surprises, both good and bad, and we should embrace them all.

If you're looking for a motivational quote to kickstart the new year, then 'Rocky Balboa' has the perfect one. In this movie, Rocky says, It ain't about how hard you hit. It's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward. This quote is a reminder that no matter how many times we fall, we should always get back up and keep pushing forward.

For those who are feeling a little cynical about the new year, the movie 'Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind' has the perfect quote. In this movie, Joel says, I can't see anything that I don't like about you. Clementine replies, But you will! But you will. You know, you will think of things. And I'll get bored with you and feel trapped because that's what happens with me. This quote is a reminder that relationships are never perfect, and it's important to accept the flaws and work on them together.

Now, let's move on to a more lighthearted New Year's Eve movie, 'Home Alone'. In this movie, Kevin says, This is extremely important. Will you please tell Santa that instead of presents this year, I just want my family back? This quote is a reminder that family is the most important thing in our lives, and we should cherish them always.

Lastly, for those who are feeling a little adventurous, the movie 'The Secret Life of Walter Mitty' has the perfect New Year's Eve quote. In this movie, Cheryl says, To see the world, things dangerous to come to, to see behind walls, draw closer, to find each other, and to feel. That is the purpose of life. This quote is a reminder that life is an adventure, and we should embrace all the ups and downs that come our way.

So, there you have it, folks, some of the most iconic New Year's Eve movie quotes that are sure to inspire and motivate you to make the most out of the upcoming year. Happy New Year!

New Year’s Eve Movie Quotes: Celebrating the End of the Year in a Humorous Way

As New Year’s Eve approaches, we can’t help but feel excited for the new year while reminiscing about the past. One way to celebrate this momentous occasion is by watching movies that have iconic New Year’s Eve scenes. These movies are filled with hilarious and inspiring quotes that will make you laugh out loud and remind you of the importance of new beginnings. In this article, we’ll take a look at some of the best New Year’s Eve movie quotes that will surely put a smile on your face.

“I’m gonna say it every single time. Happy New Year! Wooo!” – New Year’s Eve (2011)

This quote is from the movie New Year’s Eve, which is a romantic comedy that follows several couples as they navigate their way through the last night of the year. This quote is said by the character Sam, played by Josh Duhamel, who is a chef that is desperately trying to get to his pregnant wife before midnight. This quote is funny because it shows how excited Sam is for the new year, and he can’t help but shout it out loud every chance he gets.

“First rule of Wall Street: Nobody - and I don't care if you're Warren Buffet or Jimmy Buffet - nobody knows if a stock is gonna go up, down, sideways or in circles. You know what a Fugazi is?” – The Wolf of Wall Street (2013)

The Wolf of Wall Street is a biographical black comedy that tells the story of Jordan Belfort, a stockbroker who became a millionaire by defrauding investors. This quote is said by Belfort, played by Leonardo DiCaprio, as he gives a speech to his employees about the unpredictability of the stock market. This quote is funny because it shows how little some people know about the stock market, and how easily they can be fooled into investing in something that is not worth it.

“I have a love in my life. It makes me stronger than you can possibly imagine.” – Casino Royale (2006)

Casino Royale is a spy film that follows James Bond, played by Daniel Craig, as he tries to stop a terrorist organization from winning at a high-stakes poker game. This quote is said by Bond as he is about to play the final hand of the game. This quote is inspiring because it shows how love can give us the strength to overcome any obstacle.

“If you focus on what you left behind, you will never be able to see what lies ahead.” – Ratatouille (2007)

Ratatouille is an animated movie that tells the story of a rat who dreams of becoming a chef. This quote is said by the character Gusteau, who is a famous chef and the author of a cookbook that the rat uses as his guide. This quote is inspiring because it shows how important it is to let go of the past and focus on the future.

“You can't always get what you want, but if you try sometimes, you might find, you get what you need.” – The Departed (2006)

The Departed is a crime thriller that follows two undercover cops as they try to bring down a notorious gangster. This quote is said by the character Costigan, played by Leonardo DiCaprio, as he tries to come to terms with the fact that he might not get everything he wants in life. This quote is inspiring because it shows how important it is to be grateful for what we have, even if it’s not exactly what we wanted.

“You know what they say about the fittest. Survival of the fitness.” – Pitch Perfect (2012)

Pitch Perfect is a musical comedy that follows a college a cappella group as they compete against other groups in a national competition. This quote is said by the character Fat Amy, played by Rebel Wilson, as she tries to motivate her teammates to work harder. This quote is funny because it shows how easily some people can mix up common phrases and sayings.

“Here's looking at you, kid.” – Casablanca (1942)

Casablanca is a romantic drama that tells the story of a nightclub owner who falls in love with a woman who is trying to escape to America with her husband. This quote is said by the character Rick, played by Humphrey Bogart, as he says goodbye to his former lover, Ilsa. This quote is iconic because it has been used in countless movies and TV shows since its debut.

“I'm sorry, Dave. I'm afraid I can't do that.” – 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)

2001: A Space Odyssey is a science fiction movie that follows a group of astronauts as they try to uncover the mystery behind a black monolith that has appeared on the moon. This quote is said by the computer HAL, who has become sentient and is trying to kill the crew. This quote is creepy because it shows how easily technology can turn against us.

“It's alive! It's alive!” – Frankenstein (1931)

Frankenstein is a horror movie that tells the story of a scientist who creates a monster out of dead body parts. This quote is said by the scientist, played by Colin Clive, as he watches his creation come to life. This quote is iconic because it has become synonymous with the horror genre.

“May the Force be with you.” – Star Wars (1977)

Star Wars is a science fiction movie that tells the story of a young farm boy who becomes a Jedi knight and helps overthrow an evil empire. This quote is said by several characters throughout the movie, but it’s most famously associated with the character Obi-Wan Kenobi, played by Alec Guinness. This quote is iconic because it has become a catchphrase for Star Wars fans all over the world.

These New Year’s Eve movie quotes are just a few examples of the many inspiring and humorous lines that can be found in movies. Whether you’re looking for something to make you laugh or something to motivate you, these quotes are sure to do the trick. So pop some popcorn, grab a cozy blanket, and get ready to ring in the new year with some of the best movies of all time.

New Year's Eve Movie Quotes: A Humorous Guide

It's almost New Year's Eve, and you know what that means: it's time to break out the party hats, pop the champagne, and quote all your favorite movies. After all, as the saying goes, New Year's Eve just isn't complete without a classic movie quote, like 'Here's looking at you, kid' or 'I'll have what she's having'...or 'I'll be back.' So, whether you're spending the night in with some friends or hitting up the town, here are some New Year's Eve movie quotes to get you through the night.

The Best Part About New Year's Eve? Partying in a Hat

Let's face it: New Year's Eve is really just an excuse to wear a party hat without being judged. It's like Halloween for grown-ups. So, grab your sparkliest headwear and toast to the new year with some bubbly. As Dorothy Parker once said, I like to have a martini, two at the very most. After three I'm under the table, after four I'm under my host.

When You're Alone on New Year's Eve

If you find yourself spending New Year's Eve alone this year, don't fret. Just remember the wise words of Bridget Jones: I like you very much. Just as you are. And if that doesn't cheer you up, take comfort in the fact that you can binge-watch your favorite movies without any judgment. As Forrest Gump would say, Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get...unless you're holding a party tray of assorted chocolates, in which case you can just look at the map on the lid.

Champagne for My Real Friends, Real Pain for My Sham Friends

Whether you're partying it up with your closest pals or spending a quiet night in, champagne is a must-have on New Year's Eve. As Dorothy Parker once said, I love a martini. But after a certain point, you just have to switch to champagne. And if you're worried about impressing your friends with your alcohol knowledge, just remember the words of Jay McInerney: Champagne for my real friends, real pain for my sham friends.

New Year's Resolutions? More Like Suggestions

We all know that making New Year's resolutions can be a daunting task. That's why Eddie Cantor's advice is so helpful: Slow down and enjoy life. It's not only the scenery you miss by going too fast - you also miss the sense of where you are going and why. So, instead of making strict resolutions this year, try making some suggestions for how you want to improve yourself in the coming year.

When You Need Some Inspiration

If you're feeling stuck and need some inspiration for the new year, look no further than Mary Poppins. As she once said, Anything can happen if you let it. So, take a chance, try something new, and see where it takes you. And if you need a little more encouragement, just remember Yoda's wise words: Do or do not. There is no try...except when it comes to sticking to your New Year's resolutions, because we all know that's a constant work in progress.

Reflecting on the Past Year

As we ring in the new year, it's important to take a moment to reflect on the past year and all that we've accomplished. And if you need a little help putting things into perspective, just turn to Mean Girls: On Wednesdays we wear pink. And on New Year's Eve we wear whatever makes us feel fabulous! So, whether you're wearing pink or your fanciest party dress, take a moment to appreciate all that you've accomplished in the past year.

Keeping Track of Your New Year's Eve Kisses

If you're like me, you've had so many New Year's Eve kisses that you need to start a separate calendar just to keep track of them all. But whether you're kissing someone special or spending the night with friends, just remember the wise words of John Lennon: All you need is love. So, raise a glass to love, laughter, and a happy new year!

Ring in the New Year with Humorous New Year's Eve Movie Quotes

The Perfect Way to Celebrate

New Year's Eve is a time for reflection, celebration, and of course, movie quotes! Whether you're spending the night in with friends or heading out to party, there's no denying the power of a good one-liner. So, grab some champagne and get ready to laugh your way into the new year with these hilarious New Year's Eve movie quotes.

1. I love when they drop the ball in Times Square. It's a nice reminder of what I did all year. - Bridget Jones's Diary (2001)

This cheeky quote from Bridget Jones's Diary reminds us that while we may not always achieve our goals throughout the year, we can still have fun celebrating our accomplishments. Plus, who doesn't love a good Times Square reference?

2. You know how I always dread the whole year? Well, this time I'm only going to dread one day at a time. - Charlie Brown's New Year's Eve (1986)

Charlie Brown's New Year's Eve special is a classic, and this quote perfectly captures the anxiety many of us feel leading up to the new year. Instead of worrying about the whole year ahead, take it one day at a time and enjoy the journey.

3. My New Year's resolution? I'll give up chocolate. What? Oh, don't look at me like I'm crazy. Look at yourself, you're eating pizza for breakfast. - The Hudsucker Proxy (1994)

Let's face it, most of us are guilty of breaking our New Year's resolutions within the first week. This quote from The Hudsucker Proxy reminds us that sometimes it's okay to indulge a little, especially if you're enjoying some delicious pizza!

4. I'm gonna get drunk, high, and laid. And I'm gonna do it all in that order 'cause I heard when you mix them up, you get sick. - New Year's Eve (2011)

This quote from New Year's Eve may not be the most politically correct, but it's certainly memorable. While we don't necessarily condone this behavior, we can all appreciate the sentiment of wanting to let loose and have some fun on New Year's Eve.

5. I can't believe it's been a year since I didn't become a better person. - The End of the F***ing World (2017-2019)

The End of the F***ing World is known for its dark humor, and this quote is no exception. While we should always strive to become better versions of ourselves, it's important to acknowledge that change isn't always easy or immediate.

Final Thoughts

No matter how you choose to celebrate New Year's Eve, incorporating some humorous movie quotes is always a good idea. So, raise a glass to the end of one year and the beginning of another, and don't forget to laugh along the way!


  • New Year's Eve
  • Movie Quotes
  • Humor
  • Celebration
  • Reflection

May the Laughter Never End: New Year's Eve Movie Quotes to Kickstart Your 2021

Hello there, dear blog visitors! As we wrap up this article on New Year's Eve movie quotes, we hope you've had a good laugh or two. We know 2020 has been a rollercoaster of emotions, so what better way to welcome 2021 than with some humor and wit?

Before we bid adieu, let's take one last look at some of our favorites:

Starting off with a classic, I love you, Jess. I think about you all the time. I miss you every second. And I want to be with you every moment of every day. Ah, the sweet sound of desperation. This quote from New Year's Eve is perfect for those who are single and ready to mingle (or not).

Next up, we have a gem from Sex and the City: Maybe our mistakes are what make our fate. Carrie Bradshaw always knows how to make us feel better about our bad decisions.

Speaking of bad decisions, how about this quote from When Harry Met Sally: I'll have what she's having. Sometimes, it's best to just go with the crowd.

For those who are feeling a little cynical, here's a quote from The Apartment: That's the way it crumbles, cookie-wise. It's a reminder that sometimes life doesn't go as planned, and that's okay.

If you're looking for something a little more uplifting, try this quote from Bridget Jones's Diary: I like you very much. Just as you are. It's a message of acceptance and love that we could all use a little more of.

Of course, we can't forget about The Hangover: I don't know what happened last night, but I'm pretty sure it was awesome. For those who may have overindulged a little too much on New Year's Eve, this quote is a great way to sum up the night.

And for those who are feeling nostalgic, there's always When Harry Met Sally: Auld Lang Syne. What does that mean? It means 'days gone by.' It's a poignant reminder to cherish the memories of years past.

Now, as we wrap up this article, we want to wish you all a happy and healthy New Year. May your 2021 be filled with laughter, love, and lots of good movies. And remember, as New Year's Eve reminds us, Every year, we get a little something called a fresh start. And what do you do with it? You pack it away with the Christmas ornaments until next year.

So, let's make the most of our fresh start and make 2021 a year to remember! Cheers!

People Also Ask About New Year Eve Movie Quotes

What are some famous quotes from the movie New Year's Eve?

Well, there are plenty of memorable quotes from this star-studded flick. Here are a few:

  1. It's like the whole city's been up for days, waiting for something to happen. - Sam
  2. What are you gonna do with all that luggage? Open a store? - Ingrid
  3. I'm not going back to that party. I'd rather be homeless. - Hailey
  4. I think it's time for a new tradition. - Claire
  5. It's not what I expected, but it's exactly what I needed. - Tess

What is the best New Year's Eve quote?

That's subjective, of course, but one popular quote from the movie is:

The only way to get through New Year's Eve is to admit that it doesn't matter. - Kim

Who said I'm not going back to that party. I'd rather be homeless. in New Year's Eve?

This line was spoken by Hailey, played by Abigail Breslin. It's one of her more memorable moments in the film.

What are some humorous quotes from New Year's Eve?

The movie definitely has its share of funny lines. Here are a couple:

  • If it's not too personal, how old are you? - Randy
    Sixteen. - Hailey
    Sweet sixteen, huh? Well, I'm sure you don't have any problems getting a date. - Randy
    Actually, I do. I'm waiting for my prince. - Hailey

  • I think all my parts are pretty good. - Ingrid
    Well, I'm sure they are, but you're not gonna be able to use them if you don't get out of that dress. - Paul

Overall, New Year's Eve is a fun and festive movie with plenty of memorable quotes. Whether you're looking for something heartwarming or hilarious, there's likely a line in this film that will resonate with you!