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Laugh Your Way into 2016 with These Hilarious New Year Memes

2016 New Year Meme

Celebrate the start of 2016 with these hilarious New Year memes! Share them with your friends and spread the laughter. #newyear #memes

As we ring in the New Year, there is one thing that has become a staple of our celebration - the New Year Meme. Each year, we eagerly await the hilarious and relatable memes that flood our social media feeds. From poking fun at our failed resolutions to mocking the chaos of New Year's Eve parties, these memes capture the essence of the holiday season. So, let's take a look at some of the best 2016 New Year memes that had us laughing all the way to midnight.

First up, we have the classic New Year, New Me meme. We've all been guilty of making grandiose resolutions that we never actually follow through on. This meme pokes fun at our tendency to talk the talk without walking the walk. With a picture of a cat looking unimpressed and the caption New Year, Same Me, Because I'm Perfect, this meme perfectly captures the sentiment of those of us who are content with who we are.

Next, we have the New Year's Eve Expectations vs. Reality meme. We all have visions of a glamorous and exciting New Year's Eve celebration, complete with fancy outfits and champagne toasts. However, more often than not, our reality looks a little more like sweatpants and a bottle of cheap wine. This meme features two side-by-side images - one of a glitzy party and the other of a person alone on their couch - with the caption Expectation vs. Reality.

Another popular meme this year was the New Year's Resolutions for Pets meme. While we may struggle to keep our own resolutions, it's always fun to imagine what kind of goals our furry friends might set for themselves. This meme features a picture of a dog with the caption My New Year's Resolution is to Stop Eating My Own Poop. We can all relate to wanting to break a bad habit, but hopefully, we don't have to go to those extremes.

Of course, we can't forget about the New Year's Kiss meme. For those of us who are single or didn't quite find the right person to smooch at midnight, this meme is for us. With a picture of a person kissing their cat and the caption When You Have No One to Kiss on New Year's Eve, this meme reminds us that sometimes the best company is our furry friends.

Another popular theme this year was the 2016 vs. 2017 meme. This meme looks back on the past year and imagines what the coming year might bring. With a picture of a person looking sad in 2016 and then happy in 2017, this meme captures the hope that a new year brings.

Speaking of hope, the New Year's Resolutions for America meme was particularly relevant this year. With a picture of the White House and the caption America's New Year's Resolution is to Make America Great Again, this meme pokes fun at the political climate of the past year.

Finally, we have the New Year's Eve Hangover meme. Let's face it - most of us probably woke up feeling a little worse for wear on January 1st. This meme features a picture of a person lying in bed with the caption I'm Never Drinking Again. While we may swear off alcohol in the moment, we all know that come next New Year's Eve, we'll be right back at it.

So, there you have it - the best 2016 New Year memes that had us laughing and shaking our heads in recognition. As we move forward into 2017, let's remember to take ourselves a little less seriously and find the humor in life's ups and downs.


Greetings, fellow internet dwellers! As we bid adieu to 2015 and welcome 2016 with open arms, it's time to reflect on the past year and look forward to what the future holds. And what better way to do that than with some hilarious New Year memes?

The Classic New Year, New Me Meme

We've all seen it. The infamous New Year, New Me meme that floods our social media feeds every January 1st. It's the time of year where everyone suddenly decides to become a fitness guru, start eating kale for breakfast, and take up yoga. But let's be real, how long does that really last? About a week? Two weeks if you're really committed? So go ahead and post that meme, but we all know deep down that the old you will be back in no time.

The Resolutions That Never Stick

Speaking of becoming a fitness guru and eating kale for breakfast, let's talk about those New Year's resolutions that never seem to stick. We all have those grand plans to make major life changes come January 1st, but by February we're back to our old ways. Whether it's hitting the gym, quitting smoking, or saving money, we could all use a little motivation. And if that motivation comes in the form of a hilarious meme, all the better.

When You're Too Tired to Stay Up Until Midnight

Let's face it, not all of us can make it to midnight on New Year's Eve. Whether it's because we have to work the next day, we're too old to stay up that late, or we just don't care enough, sometimes we need to call it a night early. But fear not, for there are plenty of memes out there to make us feel better about our early bedtime.

The Dreaded New Year's Hangover

For those of us who do manage to make it to midnight and beyond, there's always the dreaded New Year's Day hangover to contend with. Whether you celebrated a little too hard or just can't handle alcohol like you used to, we've all been there. And what better way to commiserate than with some hilarious hangover memes?

The New Year, Same Old Problems Meme

As much as we'd like to think that a new year means a fresh start, the truth is that many of us will still be dealing with the same old problems in 2016. Whether it's relationship drama, financial woes, or just general life struggles, we could all use a little comic relief to get us through. So go ahead and post that new year, same old problems meme. We won't judge.

The I Can't Believe It's Already 2016 Meme

It seems like every year goes by faster than the last, and before we know it we're ringing in another new year. It's a strange feeling, realizing that time is moving so quickly and we're getting older with each passing day. But hey, at least we can laugh about it with some hilarious I can't believe it's already 2016 memes.

The New Year, New Opportunities Meme

Despite all the jokes and memes about failed resolutions and same old problems, there's still something exciting about a new year. It's a chance to start fresh, set new goals, and chase after our dreams. And what better way to embrace those opportunities than with some inspiring (and funny) new year, new opportunities memes?

The Celebrity New Year's Resolutions

Let's face it, we all love to see what our favorite celebrities are up to. And when it comes to New Year's resolutions, they're no exception. Whether they're vowing to hit the gym more, quit smoking, or just be a better person in general, it's always entertaining to see what the rich and famous have planned for the new year. And of course, there are plenty of memes to poke fun at their lofty goals.

The New Year, Same Old Me Meme

While many of us strive to become a new me in the new year, there are always those who embrace their true selves and refuse to change. And you know what? That's okay too. There's nothing wrong with being comfortable in your own skin and embracing your flaws. So for those of you who are proudly proclaiming new year, same old me, we salute you.


Well, there you have it. A roundup of some of the funniest New Year memes to help us ring in 2016 with a laugh. Whether you're making grand plans for the new year or just trying to get through another day, remember that laughter is always the best medicine. Happy New Year!

2016 New Year Memes: A Humorous Take on Resolutions

As the clock struck midnight on December 31, 2015, people around the world bid farewell to the old year and welcomed in the new. For many, this meant making resolutions to improve themselves in the coming year. But let’s face it, when you realize that the “new year, new me” concept is more of a joke than an actual resolution, you can’t help but laugh at yourself.

The Gym Rivalry

There’s always that unspoken rivalry between people who decide to go to the gym on January 1st, thinking they’ll be the only ones there. They strut in with their brand new workout gear, feeling like they’re about to conquer the world. But as soon as they step inside, they’re hit with a reality check – the gym is packed with other resolution-makers, all vying for the same treadmills and weights. It’s like a scene from The Hunger Games, except instead of fighting to the death, they’re fighting for the last free locker.

Binge-Watching on Netflix

When you tell yourself that you’ll be more productive in 2016, but end up spending all year binge-watching shows on Netflix instead, you can’t help but feel a little disappointed in yourself. You had such high hopes of finally finishing that novel or learning a new language, but instead you found yourself glued to the couch, eyes glazed over as you watched episode after episode of your favorite show. Hey, at least you can say you’re an expert on the art of procrastination.

Eating Healthy…or Not

When you try to start the year off right by eating healthy, but by day 3 you’re already back to eating pizza in your sweat pants, you know you’ve failed. You had every intention of eating nothing but quinoa and kale, but the lure of melted cheese and crispy crust was just too strong. Hey, there’s always next year, right?

Single on New Year’s Eve

That feeling of disappointment when you wake up on January 1st still single, despite all your hopes that your Prince (or Princess) Charming would magically appear at the stroke of midnight. You spent weeks picking out the perfect outfit, practicing your flirting techniques in the mirror, and psyching yourself up for the big night. But as the clock struck twelve, you found yourself alone, clutching a glass of champagne and watching other couples make out. Sigh.

Auld Lang Syne Awkwardness

The awkward moment when you realize that you don’t even know the words to “Auld Lang Syne” but pretend to anyway. You mumble along with the crowd, hoping no one will notice that you’re actually just making up gibberish. It’s like being in a foreign country and nodding your head when someone speaks to you in their language – you have no idea what they’re saying, but you don’t want to look stupid.

The Panic of Accomplishments

That brief moment of panic as the countdown begins and you wonder if you’ve accomplished anything meaningful in the past year. You start frantically scrolling through your Facebook and Instagram feeds, trying to find evidence that you’ve done something worthwhile. But all you see are pictures of your friends traveling the world, getting new jobs, and having babies. You start to feel like a failure, until you remember that social media is just a highlight reel and everyone else is probably just as lost as you are.

New Year’s Eve Anticlimax

The sad realization that New Year’s Eve is overrated and it’s always an anticlimax. You spend weeks planning the perfect night, only to find yourself standing in a crowded room, listening to terrible music and drinking watered-down cocktails. And as soon as the clock strikes twelve, everyone starts to leave, eager to get back home and into bed. You’re left wondering why you bothered to put on pants in the first place.

Clever Hashtags

When you have to come up with a clever hashtag for your New Year’s Instagram post #newyearnewmejustkidding #backtomyoldways. You want to show the world that you’re making positive changes in your life, but you also want to be honest about the fact that you’re probably going to fall back into your old habits by February. It’s like trying to sell a used car – you have to highlight the good parts while downplaying the flaws.

Abandoned Resolutions

And finally, the bitter truth that New Year’s resolutions are usually abandoned before they even begin. You start off with the best of intentions, but life gets in the way and before you know it, you’re right back where you started. But hey, that’s okay. There’s always next year.

In conclusion, 2016 New Year memes may poke fun at our failed resolutions and unrealistic expectations, but they also remind us not to take ourselves too seriously. We’re all just trying to navigate this crazy thing called life, and sometimes we need a little laughter to get us through. Happy New Year!

2016 New Year Meme: A Humorous Take on the Start of a New Year

As the clock struck midnight on December 31st, 2015, people all around the world gathered to ring in the New Year. And with the New Year comes a whole new set of resolutions, hopes and dreams. But let's be real, who actually keeps their resolutions for more than a week? That's where the 2016 New Year Meme comes in.

The Rise of the 2016 New Year Meme

The internet has become the go-to source for all things funny, and the 2016 New Year Meme was no exception. From memes about gym memberships to the classic new year, new me trope, the internet was flooded with hilarious takes on the start of a new year.

Top 5 2016 New Year Meme Keywords:

  1. New Year's Resolutions
  2. Gym Memberships
  3. New Year, New Me
  4. Hangovers
  5. January Diets

Let's take a closer look at some of these popular 2016 New Year Meme topics.

New Year's Resolutions

We've all been there. We make grandiose plans to lose weight, save money, or learn a new skill, only to abandon these goals shortly after. The 2016 New Year Meme pokes fun at our inability to stick to our resolutions, often featuring images of people indulging in their bad habits with the caption me on day two of my diet.

Gym Memberships

One of the most popular 2016 New Year Meme topics is the gym membership. Gyms are packed with people in January, only to empty out as the year goes on. Memes about gym memberships often feature images of crowded workout rooms with the caption see you in February.

New Year, New Me

The phrase new year, new me has become a cliche of the start of a new year. The 2016 New Year Meme takes this cliche and runs with it, often featuring images of celebrities with outrageous makeovers and the caption me after one day of eating kale.


No New Year's celebration is complete without a little bit of alcohol. Unfortunately, this often leads to a painful hangover the next day. The 2016 New Year Meme features images of people nursing their hangovers with the caption never drinking again.

January Diets

After indulging during the holiday season, many people turn to diets in January. The 2016 New Year Meme pokes fun at these diets, often featuring images of unhealthy foods with the caption day one of my diet.

In conclusion, the 2016 New Year Meme provided a humorous take on the start of a new year. While we may not always stick to our resolutions or diets, at least we can laugh about it.

Cheers to 2016: The Year of Memes

Well folks, it's been a wild ride. As we bid farewell to 2016, we can't help but reflect on the many memes that have brought us laughter, tears, and everything in between. From Damn Daniel to Arthur Fist, this year has certainly been one for the books.

Who could forget the iconic Mannequin Challenge, which had everyone frozen in place like statues? Or the hilarious Mocking SpongeBob, which gave us all a new way to express our sarcasm? And let's not even get started on the countless political memes that have taken over our social media feeds.

As we move into 2017, it's important to remember the power of humor and how it can bring us together. No matter what your opinions or beliefs may be, there's no denying that a good meme can make even the toughest times a little bit easier to bear.

So here's to 2016: the year of memes. We may have lost some greats along the way (RIP Harambe), but we gained so much more. Who knows what 2017 will bring, but we can only hope that it's filled with just as many laughs and absurdities as the year before.

As we close out this year, let's take a moment to appreciate the memes that made it all worth it. Whether it was a viral video or a cleverly captioned photo, these little snippets of internet culture have become an integral part of our lives.

So if you find yourself feeling down in the dumps or stressed out about the world around you, just remember: there's a meme for that. And if there isn't, well, you can always make one yourself.

We've laughed, we've cried, and we've even cringed a little bit. But through it all, the memes have kept us going. And as we look ahead to the new year, we can't wait to see what kind of ridiculousness the internet has in store for us.

So here's to you, meme creators and meme enthusiasts alike. Thank you for making 2016 a little bit brighter. We couldn't have made it through without you.

In closing, let's raise a glass (of whatever beverage you prefer) to the memes of 2016. May they live on in internet infamy, and may we continue to find joy and humor in the things that bring us together.

Happy New Year, everyone. Let's make 2017 even meme-ier than the last.

People Also Ask About 2016 New Year Meme

What is a New Year meme?

A New Year meme is an image or video that is shared online to celebrate the start of a new year. These memes usually feature humorous or witty captions that poke fun at the previous year or make predictions for the upcoming year.

Why do people share New Year memes?

People share New Year memes as a way to connect with others and spread joy during the holiday season. Memes are a popular form of humor and can be easily shared on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

What are some popular New Year memes from 2016?

Some popular New Year memes from 2016 include:

  1. New Year, Same Me
  2. New Year, New Me
  3. New Year's Resolution: Not to Make Any Resolutions
  4. Happy New Year! Let's Hope It's Better Than 2015!

Are New Year memes still popular?

Yes, New Year memes are still popular today. In fact, they have become even more popular with the rise of social media and the internet. People love to share funny and relatable content, especially during the holiday season.

So, if you're looking to spread some laughs and joy this New Year's Eve, consider sharing some hilarious New Year memes with your friends and family online!