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Spread Joy and Cheer with Happy New Year 2016 Cards - Send Your Warmest Wishes Today!

Happy New Year 2016 Card

Celebrate the start of 2016 with a beautiful Happy New Year card! Send warm wishes to your loved ones and kick off the year in style.

Happy New Year 2016 Card! Wow, it's hard to believe another year has come and gone. It feels like just yesterday we were ringing in 2015 with champagne and confetti. But now, it's time to say goodbye to the old year and welcome in the new one with open arms. And what better way to do that than with a festive and hilarious New Year's card? Trust me, this card will have your friends and family laughing out loud and starting the year off on the right foot.

The front of the card is sure to catch everyone's attention. It features a cartoon drawing of a group of people partying it up with streamers, hats, and noisemakers. But upon closer inspection, you'll notice that one person is still asleep at the party, drooling and snoring away. Yep, that's right, someone partied a little too hard last night. The caption reads Happy New Year! Hope you're not feeling like this guy today. It's the perfect mix of humor and relatability, because who hasn't had a New Year's Eve where they overindulged a bit?

But the hilarity doesn't stop there. When you open up the card, you'll be greeted with a pop-up surprise. Out jumps a miniature version of the same snoring partygoer from the front of the card, complete with a tiny party hat askew on his head. It's unexpected and silly, and it's sure to put a smile on anyone's face.

As you read the message inside, you'll see that it's just as funny as the rest of the card. The first line reads Well, we made it through another year without getting arrested. That's something to celebrate, right? It's tongue-in-cheek and playful, acknowledging that sometimes we all make mistakes and have a little too much fun. The rest of the message is just as witty, with jokes about making resolutions (and inevitably breaking them), and poking fun at the fact that we all age a little more with each passing year.

But even though the card is lighthearted and humorous, it still manages to capture the essence of what New Year's is all about: hope, renewal, and new beginnings. The final line reads Here's to a year full of laughter, love, and lots of good times. Happy New Year! It's a sentiment that everyone can get behind, whether they're a die-hard optimist or a bit of a cynic.

All in all, this Happy New Year 2016 Card is the perfect way to kick off the new year. It's funny, it's relatable, and it's sure to bring a smile to anyone's face. So go ahead, order a stack of these cards and send them out to all your loved ones. Let's start off 2016 with a bang!


Welcome to the new year! It’s been a long time coming, but finally, we’re here. The new year is always an exciting time – full of hope, promise and of course, resolutions. But this year, I’ve decided to take a different approach. Instead of making resolutions, I’m going to focus on sending out Happy New Year 2016 cards and spreading joy and laughter.

The Tradition of Sending New Year Cards

Sending New Year cards may not be as popular as it once was, but it’s still a tradition that many people partake in. It’s a way of showing loved ones that you’re thinking of them and wishing them happiness and prosperity for the upcoming year. This year, however, I’m taking it to a whole new level. Instead of sending the usual generic cards, I’ve decided to get creative and inject a little humor into my cards.

Why Humor is Important

Humor is a powerful tool that can bring people together and create a sense of happiness and well-being. In today’s fast-paced world, where stress and anxiety are common, a little humor can go a long way. That’s why I’ve decided to use humor in my Happy New Year 2016 cards. After all, what better way to start the new year than with a good laugh?

The Importance of Personalization

One of the key components of a great Happy New Year card is personalization. It’s important to make the recipient feel special and valued. That’s why I’ve taken the time to create unique cards for each person on my list. Each card is tailored to their personality and interests, making it a truly special and memorable gift.

Choosing the Right Design

Choosing the right design for your Happy New Year 2016 card is crucial. It sets the tone for the entire card and can make or break the overall effect. I’ve decided to go with a fun and colorful design, featuring fireworks and confetti. It’s a festive design that’s sure to put a smile on anyone’s face.

The Power of a Good Joke

A good joke has the power to brighten up even the darkest of days. That’s why I’ve included a funny joke in each of my cards. The jokes are light-hearted, witty and sure to bring a smile to the recipient’s face. After all, who doesn’t love a good laugh?

Adding a Personal Touch

In addition to personalizing each card, I’ve also added a personal touch by including a heartfelt message. It’s an opportunity to express my gratitude and appreciation for the recipient and to wish them all the best for the upcoming year. It’s a small gesture, but it goes a long way in showing that you care.

The Benefits of Spreading Joy

Spreading joy and happiness is not only good for others, but it’s also good for you. Studies have shown that acts of kindness and generosity can boost your mood and improve your overall well-being. That’s why I’ve decided to spread joy this year by sending out Happy New Year 2016 cards. It’s a simple yet powerful way to make a positive impact on the world.

The Joy of Giving

Giving is one of the greatest joys in life. It’s a way of showing love and kindness to others and making a difference in their lives. By sending out Happy New Year 2016 cards, I’m able to give the gift of joy and happiness to those around me. It’s a small gesture, but it has the potential to make a big impact.


In conclusion, Happy New Year 2016 cards are a great way to spread joy and laughter this new year. By adding a personal touch and injecting a little humor, you can make the recipient feel valued and appreciated. So why not join me in spreading joy this year? Let’s make 2016 the happiest year yet!

A Humorous New Year's Card

2015 has finally been put to bed like an unruly toddler. Here's to a more manageable 2016! Another year, another set of resolutions that will be broken by January 5th. But who needs resolutions when you have a Happy New Year card filled with witty remarks and puns?

Cheers to the new year, and may all your awkward family gatherings be tolerable.

We all know how it goes - Aunt Susan asks about your love life, Grandpa Joe tells the same old stories, and Uncle Bob gets a little too drunk. But fear not, for this year, you can tackle those gatherings with a smile knowing that you have a new arsenal of jokes and one-liners from this card.

As we welcome 2016, let's all agree to pretend that we understood the ending of Inception.

We all saw the movie, we all pretended to understand it, and we all secretly Googled the plot afterwards. But this year, let's just embrace the confusion and pretend that we totally got it.

Here's hoping that your New Year's Eve kiss is better than your aunt's fruitcake.

We all have that one relative who insists on bringing their questionable baked goods to every gathering. But don't let that ruin your New Year's Eve! Whether you're kissing someone special or just enjoying a glass of champagne, let's make it a memorable night.

May your gym membership be more than a January fling this year.

We've all been there - signing up for a gym membership in January with the best of intentions, only to never go again after the first week. But this year, let's make it stick. Whether it's joining a class or finding a workout buddy, let's make fitness a priority (at least until February).

Let's start the new year off right: by continuing to procrastinate all of our responsibilities.

We all know that feeling - putting off tasks until the last minute and then scrambling to finish them. But hey, it's worked for us so far, right? So here's to another year of procrastination and last-minute stress.

This year, let's strive to be as organized as Monica Geller and as carefree as Joey Tribbiani.

Friends fans, rejoice! Let's take a page from our favorite characters' books and find a balance between being organized and carefree. Whether it's making a to-do list or taking a spontaneous trip, let's live our lives like the Central Perk gang.

As we say goodbye to 2015, let's also bid adieu to our exes and that terrible haircut we got in February.

It's time to move on from the past and embrace the future. Whether it's deleting old photos on social media or getting a fresh haircut, let's leave the past behind and focus on the present.

Wishing you a New Year that is filled with love, laughter, and enough good luck to make the Kardashians jealous.

Here's to a New Year filled with happiness, success, and maybe even a little bit of Kardashian-level luck. Let's make 2016 the best year yet.

The Happy New Year 2016 Card

The Story

It was the end of December and I was frantically searching for the perfect happy new year card to send to my friends and family. I wanted to find something unique and funny that would make them all laugh.

After hours of scouring the internet, I finally found it - the Happy New Year 2016 Card. It had a silly cartoon of a group of people partying and the phrase Let's Get This Party Started! written in big, bold letters.

I knew this was the one. I quickly ordered a bunch of them and eagerly waited for them to arrive.

The day they came, I excitedly tore open the package and started writing out each card. I couldn't wait for my loved ones to see how hilarious and clever I was.

But as I started mailing them out, I began to realize something - everyone else had already sent out their new year cards. I was the last one to do it. And worst of all, I had accidentally ordered Happy New Year 2016 cards instead of 2017!

I was mortified. I had just sent out a bunch of outdated cards to all my friends and family. What was I going to do?

The Humorous Point of View

Well, I decided to make the best of it. Instead of feeling embarrassed, I embraced the mistake and made a joke out of it.

When people started receiving their cards, they all called or texted me to ask if I had gotten the year wrong on purpose. I laughed and told them that of course I did - I wanted them to remember what an amazing year 2016 was, and how much fun we all had together.

And you know what? It worked. My friends and family loved the cards and thought it was hilarious that I had accidentally sent them a time capsule from the past. We all had a good laugh about it, and it ended up being one of the most memorable new year greetings I had ever sent.

Table Information

  • Happy New Year 2016 Card: A funny and unique card featuring a cartoon of party-goers and the phrase Let's Get This Party Started! written in bold letters.
  • Ordering: Available for purchase online.
  • Mistake: Accidentally ordered outdated cards for the wrong year.
  • Humorous Point of View: Embraced the mistake and made a joke out of it, resulting in a memorable and enjoyable new year greeting for friends and family.

Happy New Year 2016 Card: A Humorous Approach

Dear Blog Visitors,

As we bid farewell to another year and welcome the new one, I thought of sharing a funny incident that happened during my quest for the perfect Happy New Year 2016 card.

I started my search online and found numerous options that were quite impressive. However, the more I scrolled, the more confused I got. Should I go for a traditional card with a heartfelt message or something quirky that will make them laugh?

After hours of browsing, I finally found the perfect card. It had a cute kitten wearing a party hat, and the message read - Hope your New Year is purrfect. I chuckled and added it to my cart, thinking my friends would love it.

But when the cards arrived, I realized my mistake. Instead of ordering one card, I had ordered ten. Now, I was stuck with nine extra purrfect cards, and no one to give them to.

Feeling a bit dejected, I decided to send them to random addresses, hoping they would bring a smile to someone's face. A few days later, I received a call from an unknown number. It was an elderly lady who had received my card and wanted to thank me for the unexpected surprise.

That moment made me realize that sometimes the most meaningful gestures are the smallest ones. And what better way to start the new year than by spreading joy and laughter?

So, my dear blog visitors, let us welcome 2016 with open hearts and a sense of humor. Let us embrace the unexpected and take a leap of faith. And most importantly, let us spread love and kindness wherever we go.

Thank you for joining me on this journey, and I wish you all a very Happy New Year!

With love,

The Blogger

People Also Ask About Happy New Year 2016 Card

What is a Happy New Year 2016 Card?

A Happy New Year 2016 Card is a greeting card that people send to celebrate the new year. It usually features a festive design and a message wishing the recipient a happy new year.

Where can I get a Happy New Year 2016 Card?

You can get a Happy New Year 2016 Card at various stores that sell greeting cards, such as Hallmark and Target. You can also find them online on websites like Amazon or Etsy.

Can I make my own Happy New Year 2016 Card?

Yes, you can definitely make your own Happy New Year 2016 Card! You can use materials like construction paper, markers, glitter, and stickers to create a personalized card for your loved ones.

What should I write in a Happy New Year 2016 Card?

You can write anything you want in a Happy New Year 2016 Card! Some people like to write heartfelt messages about their hopes and dreams for the new year, while others prefer to keep it simple with a basic Happy New Year message. If you want to add some humor, you could include a funny joke or pun about the new year.

Is it necessary to send a Happy New Year 2016 Card?

No, it's not necessary to send a Happy New Year 2016 Card. However, it's a nice gesture to send one to friends and family to let them know you're thinking of them during this special time of year.

Do people still send Happy New Year 2016 Cards?

While some people may prefer to send electronic greetings or simply send a text message, there are still plenty of people who enjoy sending and receiving traditional paper cards. It's a timeless tradition that will never go out of style!

So, whether you buy a card or make your own, don't forget to spread some joy and cheer with a Happy New Year 2016 Card!