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New Year, New Larry David: The Hilarious Comedian Wishes You a Happy Start to 2021!

Larry David Happy New Year

Celebrate the New Year with a hilarious dose of Larry David's wit and humor. It's sure to be a side-splitting start to 2022!

Happy New Year, folks! As we welcome the year 2021, everyone is excited about what this year has in store for us. But before we move forward, let's take a moment to appreciate Larry David. Yes, you heard it right! The man who made us laugh out loud with his hilarious antics and sarcastic comments is none other than Larry David. The creator of the hit TV series, 'Curb Your Enthusiasm,' has been entertaining us for decades now. So, let's raise a glass to Larry David and celebrate his life and achievements.

If you're not familiar with Larry David, then you're missing out on a lot. This man is a genius, and his sense of humor is unparalleled. He has an uncanny ability to turn mundane situations into hilarious moments. Whether it's getting stuck in traffic or waiting in line at a coffee shop, Larry can find humor in anything. And that's what makes him so relatable and lovable.

One of the things that make Larry David so unique is his ability to push boundaries. He doesn't shy away from controversial topics and is not afraid to speak his mind. In fact, some of his most memorable moments on 'Curb Your Enthusiasm' are when he takes on social norms and challenges them. Whether it's refusing to tip a waiter or questioning the etiquette of a funeral, Larry always manages to make us laugh while making a point.

But Larry David's humor is not for everyone. Some people find him offensive and crass. However, those who appreciate his humor know that Larry is just being himself. He doesn't try to please anyone and doesn't care about being politically correct. He's just a guy who loves to make people laugh and doesn't mind ruffling a few feathers in the process.

One of the things that make Larry David such a great comedian is his timing. He knows exactly when to deliver a punchline and how to keep the audience engaged. His delivery is so impeccable that even the most mundane jokes become hilarious when he tells them. And that's what sets him apart from other comedians.

Another thing that makes Larry David so lovable is his relatability. He's just like us, ordinary people, who get annoyed by small things and have awkward moments. But instead of getting angry or embarrassed, Larry embraces these moments and turns them into comedy gold. His ability to find humor in everyday situations is what makes him a true genius.

One of the things that make Larry David such an icon is his contribution to the world of comedy. He's not just another comedian; he's a trailblazer who has inspired generations of comedians. His unique style of humor has influenced many other TV shows and movies. And his legacy will continue to inspire future generations of comedians for years to come.

In conclusion, Larry David is a national treasure who deserves all the recognition and praise he gets. He's one of the funniest people on the planet and has brought joy and laughter to millions of people around the world. So, let's raise a glass to Larry David and wish him a happy new year!

The Grumpy New Year

As we welcome the new year, it's hard not to get caught up in the excitement and jubilation of it all. But, for some, the idea of a fresh start is just another reason to be grumpy. And no one does grumpy better than Larry David.

New Year's Resolutions

Ah yes, the infamous New Year's resolutions. Every year, millions of people vow to lose weight, save money, and be a better person. And every year, Larry David scoffs at the idea. Why wait until the new year to make changes? he asks. If you want to be a better person, just do it now.

The Party Scene

For many, New Year's Eve is all about parties and celebrations. But for Larry David, the thought of being stuck in a crowded room with loud music and drunk strangers is enough to make him want to crawl under a rock. Why can't we just stay home and watch TV like normal people? he grumbles.

The Midnight Kiss

One of the biggest traditions on New Year's Eve is the midnight kiss. It's a moment that's supposed to be filled with romance and excitement. But for Larry David, it's just plain awkward. Why do we have to kiss someone just because the clock strikes twelve? he complains. It's like we're all robots programmed to smooch on command.

The Hangover

Many people wake up on New Year's Day with a pounding headache and a queasy stomach. But for Larry David, the hangover is more than just physical discomfort – it's a metaphor for life. We spend all this time and money trying to have a good time, and for what? So we can feel terrible the next day? he laments.

The Gym Crowd

For some, the new year means hitting the gym and getting in shape. But for Larry David, it means dealing with the influx of resolutioners who clog up the machines and hog the weights. Why do people suddenly think they're fitness gurus just because it's January? he grumbles. They'll be back on the couch by February.

The Winter Blues

For many, the winter months can be a time of sadness and depression. But for Larry David, it's just another excuse to be grumpy. Why do we have to pretend like snow and cold weather are fun? he asks. I'd rather be at home with a cup of tea and a good book than trudging through slush.

The Crowds

Whether it's the mall or the grocery store, the holiday season is known for its crowds. And for Larry David, it's a nightmare come to life. Why does everyone suddenly need to buy everything at once? he wonders. Can't we all just spread out our shopping throughout the year?

The Endless Cheer

From holiday music to festive decorations, the holiday season is full of cheer and merriment. But for Larry David, it's all just too much. Why do we have to be happy all the time? he grumbles. It's exhausting. Can't we just have a few moments of peace and quiet?

The Pressure

For some, the new year brings with it a sense of pressure to be better, do better, and achieve more. But for Larry David, it's just another reason to feel inadequate. Why do we have to constantly compare ourselves to others? he asks. Can't we just be content with who we are?

The Bottom Line

So, as we enter the new year, let's all take a page out of Larry David's book and embrace our inner grump. Whether it's avoiding parties, skipping the gym, or just staying in bed all day, let's do what makes us happy – even if it's not what society expects. Happy grumpy new year, everyone!

The Larry David Guide to Avoiding Awkward New Year's Eve Kisses

Ah, New Year's Eve. The night where you're supposed to kiss someone at midnight, but in reality, you end up awkwardly standing around with a glass of champagne in your hand, desperately trying to avoid eye contact with anyone who looks like they might try to plant one on you. Well, fear not my friends, because Larry David is here to save the day (and your lips).

Step 1: Set Realistic Expectations

Let's face it, unless you're Ryan Gosling or Beyonce, the likelihood of you finding the perfect New Year's Eve kiss is slim to none. So, instead of setting yourself up for disappointment, embrace the fact that you'll probably be spending the countdown alone. Who needs a kiss when you have a plate full of hors d'oeuvres, am I right?

Step 2: Find a Distraction

If you do find yourself in a situation where someone is inching closer and closer to your face as the clock strikes twelve, it's time to employ the art of distraction. Start talking about something completely unrelated, like how much you hate small talk or your favorite episode of Seinfeld. They'll either get the hint or be so confused that they'll forget about the whole kissing thing altogether.

Step 3: Make a Quick Escape

If all else fails, it's time to make a run for it. Excuse yourself to go to the bathroom or get another drink and don't come back until the coast is clear. It may not be the most graceful exit, but hey, at least your lips are safe.

How Larry David Celebrates the New Year: A Seinfeld-esque Retrospective

New Year's Eve may be all about looking forward, but Larry David is all about looking back. In true Seinfeld fashion, here's a retrospective of how Larry David has celebrated the new year over the years:


Larry spends New Year's Eve at home, watching TV and eating Chinese takeout. He falls asleep before midnight and wakes up to find that he missed the countdown entirely. He decides that this is the best New Year's Eve he's ever had.


Larry attends a party hosted by his friend Richard Lewis. He spends the entire night complaining about the lack of good snacks and dodging awkward conversation with Richard's weird cousin. He leaves before midnight, but not before making a scene about the poor quality of the champagne.


Larry decides to shake things up and attend a fancy New Year's Eve gala. He spends the entire night being uncomfortable in his tuxedo and trying to avoid dancing. When the countdown begins, he accidentally spills his drink on a woman's dress and spends the rest of the night apologizing profusely.

Larry David's Unconventional Resolutions for the New Year (Warning: May Involve Fro-Yo)

New Year's resolutions are usually all about self-improvement and setting goals, but Larry David has a different approach. Here are some of his unconventional resolutions for the new year:

Eat More Fro-Yo

Larry has decided that this year, he's going to eat more frozen yogurt. He's convinced that it's the key to happiness and wants to spread the joy to everyone he meets.

Take More Naps

Larry has always been a big fan of napping, but this year he's taking it to the next level. He's going to nap whenever he feels like it, regardless of the time or place.

Avoid Small Talk

In typical Larry fashion, he's resolved to avoid small talk at all costs. Instead of asking how someone's day is going, he'll be asking them about their deepest fears and regrets.

Curb Your Enthusiasm Star Larry David's New Year's Eve Party Essentials

If you're looking to throw a New Year's Eve party that's worthy of Larry David himself, here are some essentials you'll need:

Plenty of Snacks

Larry is a big fan of snacks, so make sure you have plenty of options for your guests. Chips, dip, and mini quiches are always a hit.

Good Champagne

Larry may have complained about the quality of champagne in the past, but that doesn't mean he doesn't appreciate a good bottle. Make sure you have something fancy on hand for when the clock strikes midnight.


Larry loves a good noisemaker, so make sure you have plenty of those little blowout thingies on hand. Just make sure your guests know how to use them without spitting all over each other.

The Larry David Approach to Dodging Small Talk During New Year's Parties

Small talk is the bane of Larry David's existence, but unfortunately, it's a necessary evil during New Year's parties. Here are some tips from Larry himself on how to dodge those awkward conversations:

Pretend to Be Busy

If you see someone approaching you with that look in their eye that says they want to talk about the weather, it's time to pretend to be busy. Start fiddling with your phone or pretending to look for someone else in the crowd. They'll get the hint.

Ask Weird Questions

If you're feeling particularly ornery, try asking some weird questions to throw your conversation partner off their game. Do you think aliens are real? or Have you ever seen a ghost? will usually do the trick.

Make a Quick Exit

If all else fails, it's time to make a quick exit. Pretend you need to go refill your drink or use the bathroom and don't come back until the coast is clear.

How Larry David Makes 'Auld Lang Syne' Sound Like a Complaining Monologue

'Auld Lang Syne' may be a classic New Year's Eve song, but in Larry David's hands, it becomes a complaining monologue. Here's how he does it:

Change the Lyrics

Larry likes to change the lyrics of 'Auld Lang Syne' to reflect his own feelings about the past year. Should old acquaintance be forgot? Yes, please forget them. They were all terrible.

Complain About the Melody

Larry has never been a fan of the melody of 'Auld Lang Syne', so he likes to complain about it whenever it comes on. Why do we have to listen to this boring song every year? Can't we switch it up?

Make it Your Own

In the end, Larry believes that you should make 'Auld Lang Syne' your own. If you want to sing it as a complaining monologue, go for it. It's your New Year's Eve, after all.

The Most Larry David Thing to Do on New Year's Day: A Guide

New Year's Day may be a time for reflection and relaxation, but for Larry David, it's an opportunity to be as Larry David as possible. Here are some ideas for how to spend your first day of the new year:

Complain About the Crowds at the Gym

Larry loves to complain about the crowds at the gym, especially during January when everyone is trying to stick to their resolutions. Spend some time at your local gym and let loose with your best complaints.

Take a Nap

Larry is a big believer in napping, so make sure you get plenty of rest on New Year's Day. Take a nap whenever you feel like it, regardless of what else you have going on.

Avoid People at All Costs

Larry is not a fan of small talk, so spend your New Year's Day avoiding people at all costs. Stay home and binge-watch Seinfeld instead.

Larry David's Hilarious (Yet Realistic) Thoughts About the January Gym Rush

The January gym rush is a phenomenon that happens every year, and Larry David has some thoughts about it. Here are some of his hilarious (yet realistic) observations:

This is Why I Hate People

Larry's first thought when he enters a crowded gym in January is usually This is why I hate people. He's not a fan of the crowds or the general chaos that ensues.

I Knew This Wouldn't Last

Larry likes to watch people fail, so when he sees someone struggling on the treadmill or giving up halfway through a workout, he can't help but say I knew this wouldn't last.

I'm Not Doing That

When confronted with a new workout or exercise trend, Larry's immediate response is usually I'm not doing that. He's content to stick with his tried-and-true routine of complaining and napping.

A Larry David-Inspired List of Things to Leave Behind in the Old Year (Hint: It's Mostly People)

New Year's is a time for new beginnings, but sometimes you need to leave some things behind in the old year. Here are some Larry David-inspired things to leave behind:

Annoying Coworkers

Larry has never been a fan of small talk or office politics, so leave those annoying coworkers behind in the old year and start fresh.


Life is too short to spend time with people who don't truly have your best interests at heart. Leave those frenemies behind and surround yourself with people who make you laugh and feel good.

Uncomfortable Shoes

Larry has never been one for uncomfortable footwear, so leave those painful high heels or tight dress shoes behind in the old year and opt for something more comfortable.

Pretty, Pretty Good: Larry David's Best New Year's Toasts and Speeches

Larry David may not be the most sentimental guy around, but he's had his fair share of memorable New Year's toasts and speeches. Here are some of his best:

Here's to Another Year of Complaining

Larry likes to keep things simple when it comes to toasting the new year. Here's to another year of complaining is a sentiment that everyone can get behind.

Let's Not Screw This One Up

When the stakes are high and it feels like the new year could be make or break, Larry likes to remind everyone to keep their heads on straight. Let's not screw this one up is a sentiment that's both humorous and motivational.

To Frozen Yogurt and Naps

Sometimes, the best toasts are the most unconventional. Larry likes to remind everyone of his favorite things in life: frozen yogurt and naps. Cheers to that!

The Hilarious New Year of Larry David

A New Year's Resolution to be Happy

Larry David, the famous comedian and writer, had a New Year's resolution this year - to be happy. He had always been known for his pessimistic outlook on life, but he was determined to turn things around. So, when the clock struck midnight on December 31st, Larry put on his biggest smile and shouted out Happy New Year!

Preparing for the Party

Before the big night, Larry made sure everything was in order. He created a checklist of things to do:

  1. Invite all his closest friends
  2. Buy party supplies
  3. Prepare hilarious jokes to ensure everyone laughed
  4. Practice his dance moves to impress his guests

With everything checked off his list, Larry was ready to ring in the new year with a bang.

The Big Night Arrives

As Larry's guests started arriving, he greeted them with a big smile and hugs. He made sure everyone felt welcomed and happy. The night was off to a great start - the food was delicious, the drinks were flowing, and the jokes were making everyone laugh.

But as the clock ticked closer to midnight, Larry started to panic. Would he be able to keep up his happy persona? What if something went wrong?

The Countdown Begins

As the countdown to midnight began, Larry felt a wave of excitement wash over him. He held his breath as the crowd started counting down from ten.


But as soon as they reached three, Larry let out a huge sneeze.


The crowd stopped counting and looked at him in confusion. But instead of getting embarrassed, Larry saw the humor in the situation and started laughing.

Happy New Year! he shouted, wiping his nose.

A Happy New Year for Larry

From that moment on, Larry was the life of the party. He danced, told jokes, and even sang karaoke. And the best part? He was genuinely happy.

As the night came to a close, Larry's friends hugged him and thanked him for such a great time.

I've never seen you so happy, one of them said.

I know, Larry replied with a grin. I think this is going to be my best year yet.

Point of View: Larry David's Happy New Year

Larry David's New Year's resolution to be happy was a surprising turn of events for him. As someone who was known for his pessimistic outlook, it was a refreshing change to see him embrace positivity.

Throughout the night, Larry's humorous personality shone through. Even when he sneezed right in the middle of the countdown, he didn't let it get him down. Instead, he turned it into a hilarious moment.

By the end of the night, Larry had achieved his goal of being happy. And it was clear that his friends appreciated the change in him.

This story shows that even someone with a reputation for being negative can turn things around and find happiness. It just takes a little effort and a lot of laughter.


  • Larry David
  • New Year's resolution
  • Happiness
  • Comedian
  • Pessimistic
  • Positive outlook
  • Countdown
  • Sneeze
  • Jokes
  • Karaoke
  • Friends

Goodbye for Now, My Fellow Larry David Fans!

Well, my friends, it's been a pleasure sharing my thoughts on Larry David and his unique brand of humor with you. As we wrap up this blog post, I want to wish you all a very happy new year!

As we enter into a new decade, it's important to remember the things that make us laugh. And for me, Larry David is at the top of that list. Whether it's watching him navigate the world of dating or getting into ridiculous arguments with his friends, Larry always manages to bring a smile to my face.

So here's to another year of laughing at the absurdities of life, and to hoping that Larry David continues to grace our screens with his presence. After all, we could all use a little more Curb Your Enthusiasm in our lives.

As we say goodbye (for now), I want to leave you with some parting words of wisdom from the man himself:

I have no idea what I'm doing, but incompetence has never prevented me from plunging in with enthusiasm.

Let's all take a page out of Larry's book and approach the new year with enthusiasm, even if we have no idea what we're doing. Who knows? Maybe we'll stumble upon something great.

And with that, I bid you adieu. Thank you for joining me on this journey through the mind of Larry David, and may your new year be filled with laughter and joy.

Until next time,

Stay funny.

People Also Ask About Larry David Happy New Year

Who is Larry David?

Larry David is a well-known American comedian, writer, producer, and actor. He is best known for co-creating the television series Seinfeld and creating and starring in Curb Your Enthusiasm.

Why is Larry David famous?

Larry David is famous for his unique brand of humor. He is known for his dry wit, sarcastic sense of humor, and ability to find humor in everyday situations. His comedy often revolves around his own neuroses and social awkwardness.

Does Larry David celebrate New Year's Eve?

I have no idea, but I like to imagine that he spends New Year's Eve alone, eating a bowl of soup and watching old episodes of Seinfeld.

What is Larry David's New Year's resolution?

  1. To stop complaining so much.
  2. To finally learn how to parallel park.
  3. To start a new trend where people wear sweatpants to formal events.
  4. To write a hit Broadway musical about a man who just can't seem to find his car keys.

What would Larry David say on New Year's Eve?

  • I'm not big on resolutions. I prefer to just wallow in my own self-pity.
  • Another year gone by and I still haven't figured out how to work a can opener.
  • I'm not saying I'm anti-social, but if I could spend New Year's Eve in a sensory deprivation tank, I probably would.
  • Happy New Year, everyone. Let's hope it's slightly less terrible than the last one.

In conclusion,

While we may never know exactly how Larry David celebrates New Year's Eve or what his resolutions are, we can be sure that he will continue to make us laugh with his unique brand of humor.