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Faithful Wishes for a Blessed Christian Happy New Year 2019

Christian Happy New Year 2019

Celebrate the start of a new year with God's blessings and love. Happy New Year 2019!

As we bid farewell to 2018, we welcome the new year with open arms and hearts filled with hope and joy. It's that time of the year when we all make resolutions, set goals, and promise ourselves to become better versions of ourselves. But as Christians, we have an added reason to celebrate the new year. For us, it's not just about starting fresh or making changes in our lives, but it's also about renewing our faith and trust in God, and thanking Him for all the blessings He has bestowed upon us.

As we embark on this new journey, let us take a moment to reflect on the past year and all the valuable lessons it has taught us. Let us cherish the memories we have made, the people we have met, and the experiences we have gained. Let us also learn from the mistakes we have made, the challenges we have faced, and the obstacles we have overcome.

As Christians, we believe that every new year is a gift from God, and it's up to us to make the most out of it. It's a time to embrace change, to grow spiritually, and to deepen our relationship with God. It's a time to spread love, kindness, and peace to those around us, and to be a light in the darkness.

One of the best ways to start the new year on a positive note is by spending time with loved ones and fellow believers. It's a time to come together, to pray, to worship, and to share our hopes and dreams for the future. It's also a time to have fun, laugh, and enjoy each other's company.

Another way to kick off the new year is by setting realistic goals that align with our values and beliefs. Whether it's to read the Bible more often, to volunteer at a local charity, or to be more forgiving and compassionate towards others, let us aim to make meaningful changes in our lives that will bring us closer to God and to our true selves.

Of course, it's not always easy to stay committed to our resolutions, especially when life gets busy or when we face setbacks. But as Christians, we know that we are never alone in our journey. With God by our side, we can overcome any obstacle, and we can find strength, courage, and inspiration to keep moving forward.

So as we celebrate the Christian Happy New Year 2019, let us remember to be grateful for all the blessings in our lives, to have faith in God's plan for us, and to embrace the new year with open hearts and minds. Let us pray for peace, love, and unity for our families, our communities, and our world. And let us trust that with God's grace and guidance, we can make this year the best one yet.

May God bless you and your loved ones in this new year!


As the year 2018 comes to an end and we welcome 2019, Christians all over the world are filled with joy and hope. It is a time of reflection, gratitude and new beginnings. 2019 brings with it new opportunities, new challenges and new adventures. So let's dive in and explore what makes this Christian Happy New Year so special.

The Year of God's Grace

2019 is deemed the year of God's Grace. So what does that mean? It means that this is the year where God pours out his unmerited favor upon us. It is a year of blessings, breakthroughs and miracles. So get ready to receive all that God has in store for you.

New Year's Resolutions

Ahh, the classic New Year's resolutions. As Christians, we should aim to make resolutions that honor God. Whether it's reading the Bible more, volunteering at a local charity or simply being kinder to others, let's make resolutions that will not only benefit us but also glorify God.


Before we start planning for the new year, let's take a moment to give thanks for all the blessings we received in the past year. Let's thank God for his faithfulness, his provision and his protection. Let's also thank those around us who have been a source of support and love.


As we enter the new year, let's make a conscious effort to forgive those who have wronged us. Forgiveness is not easy, but it sets us free from the chains of bitterness and resentment. Let's follow Jesus' example and forgive others as he forgave us.

Trust in God's Plan

As we make plans for the new year, let's remember that ultimately it is God who directs our steps. Proverbs 16:9 says, In their hearts humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps. Let's trust in God's plan for our lives and have faith that he will guide us every step of the way.

Spread Love and Joy

Let's make 2019 a year where we spread love and joy wherever we go. Let's be kind to our neighbors, help those in need and show compassion to those who are hurting. Let's be an example of Christ's love to everyone we meet.


Prayer is powerful. As we enter the new year, let's make prayer a priority in our lives. Let's pray for ourselves, our families, our communities and our world. Let's pray for God's will to be done and for his kingdom to come on earth as it is in heaven.

Reflect and Learn

As we look back on the past year, let's reflect on our successes and our failures. Let's learn from our mistakes and use them as opportunities to grow. Let's also celebrate our victories and give thanks to God for all that he has done in our lives.


Lastly, let's enter the new year with hope. Hope that no matter what challenges we may face, God is with us. Hope that no matter how dark the valley may seem, there is light at the end of the tunnel. Let's remember that with God, all things are possible.


So there you have it, folks. The Christian Happy New Year 2019. A year of God's grace, new beginnings and endless possibilities. Let's make this year count and let's make it a year that honors God in everything we do. Happy New Year!

Christian Happy New Year 2019

Happy New Year, my fellow Christians! As we step into 2019, let's remember that with a new year comes new blessings! And who doesn't want more blessings, right? So, Praise Be, It's a New Year!

But let's not forget that we have a common enemy and it's time to rally the troops. Let's Kick Satan's Butt in 2019! With our faith and determination, we can overcome any obstacle that comes our way.

Speaking of obstacles, let's make sure our resolutions are as strong as our faith. May Your Resolutions Be As Strong As Your Faith! Let's not just make empty promises, but let's commit to making positive changes in our lives.

And while we're at it, let's make a commitment to read the entire Bible this year. Let's Make This the Year We Actually Read the Entire Bible! You know it's been on your to-do list for a while, so let's make it happen.

Cheers to Another Year of Forgiveness and Grace! Because we all need a little forgiveness and grace in our lives. Let's not hold grudges, but instead, let's offer love and forgiveness to those who may have wronged us.

Remember, New Year, Same Jesus! Our constant in an ever-changing world. Let's keep Him at the center of our lives and continue to spread His love and message to those around us.

Let's Crush This Year Like David Crushed Goliath! We're all warriors in our own right and with faith in our hearts, we can tackle anything that comes our way.

May Your 2019 Be Filled With More Hallelujahs Than Amen's! A little play on words to lighten the mood, but let's remember to celebrate and give thanks for all the blessings in our lives.


So here's to making 2019 the year we finally figure out the Book of Revelation! We've got to have some goals, right? Let's step into this new year with faith, determination, and a commitment to spreading love and kindness wherever we go. Happy New Year and may God bless you abundantly!

A Christian Happy New Year 2019 Story

The Hunt for the Perfect Resolution

As the clock struck midnight on December 31st, the Christians around the world rejoiced in welcoming the new year with open arms. It was a time for new beginnings, fresh starts, and most importantly, a time to ponder over the perfect resolution for the coming year.

I, being a devout Christian, was no exception. I sat down with my Bible and a cup of coffee, determined to find the perfect resolution that would bring me closer to God and help me grow spiritually. But as I flipped through the pages of my Bible, I found myself lost in a sea of resolutions.

The Never-Ending List of Resolutions

There were so many things I could do to improve my spiritual life - read the Bible every day, pray more often, volunteer at a local shelter, donate to charity, attend church regularly, the list went on and on. I felt overwhelmed and unsure of which resolution to choose.

Just then, my friend Sarah called me up, excited to share her resolution with me. She had decided to give up social media for the entire year and instead devote that time to reading the Bible and praying. I was impressed by her dedication and commitment, but I knew that wasn't the resolution for me.

Finding the Perfect Resolution

As I sat there pondering, a thought occurred to me - why not combine all the resolutions into one? Instead of picking and choosing, I could make a resolution to do all the things that would bring me closer to God. And thus, my perfect resolution was born.

Here's my table of resolutions:

| Resolution | Why it's important || ---------- | ------------------ || Read the Bible every day | To gain knowledge and wisdom || Pray more often | To deepen my relationship with God || Volunteer at a local shelter | To serve others and show God's love || Donate to charity | To help those in need || Attend church regularly | To be part of a community of believers |

The Humorous Twist

And so, my Christian Happy New Year 2019 resolution was set. I was excited to embark on this journey of spiritual growth and improvement. But as I sat back and sipped my coffee, I couldn't help but chuckle at the thought that this resolution might just be the longest list of resolutions ever made. Oh well, at least I won't get bored!

Here's to a Happy New Year filled with laughter, joy, and spiritual growth!

It's Time to Say Goodbye, But First, Let's Laugh!

Well, folks, it's time to wrap up our Christian Happy New Year 2019 blog. But before we go, let's end on a humorous note. After all, laughter is the best medicine, right? So, sit back, relax, and get ready to chuckle your way into the new year.

First off, can we talk about those New Year's resolutions? You know, the ones that we make every year and fail to keep by January 2nd. Yeah, those. Let's be real, we're all guilty of it. We start off strong, but then life happens, and suddenly, we're knee-deep in a bag of chips, binge-watching Netflix.

But fear not, my friends, because there's always next year, right? That's the beauty of a new year; it's a clean slate, a fresh start, and a chance to try again. So, go ahead, make those resolutions, but don't beat yourself up too much if you slip up. We're all human, and we're all a work in progress.

Now, let's take a moment to reflect on the past year. It's been quite a ride, hasn't it? We've had our fair share of ups and downs, but through it all, we've grown stronger, wiser, and (hopefully) more grateful.

Speaking of gratitude, let's not forget to thank God for all the blessings He's bestowed upon us this past year. From the big things like health, family, and friends, to the little things like a warm cup of coffee on a chilly morning, God's goodness surrounds us every day. So, let's take a moment to say thank you and enter the new year with a heart full of gratitude.

Now, let's switch gears and talk about all the exciting things that lie ahead in 2019. Maybe you're starting a new job, planning a vacation, or maybe you're just excited to see what God has in store for you. Whatever it may be, let's embrace the new year with open arms and a sense of adventure.

But let's not forget to enjoy the present moment, too. Sometimes we get so caught up in the future that we forget to appreciate the here and now. So, let's make a conscious effort to live in the moment, to savor the little things, and to find joy in the everyday.

And lastly, let's remember that we're not alone in this journey. We have a community of believers who are cheering us on, praying for us, and walking alongside us. So, let's lean on each other, encourage one another, and lift each other up as we navigate the twists and turns of life.

Well, folks, it's time to say goodbye. But before we do, I want to leave you with this: no matter what the new year brings, let's remember that we serve a God who is faithful, who is loving, and who has a plan for our lives. So, let's hold onto that truth as we enter 2019, and let's trust that God will guide us every step of the way. Happy New Year, my friends!

People Also Ask About Christian Happy New Year 2019

What is the significance of celebrating Christian New Year?

Christian New Year is a time to reflect on the past year and look forward to new beginnings. It is a time to renew one's faith and make resolutions to live a better life in accordance with God's will.

What are some Christian traditions associated with New Year celebrations?

Some Christian traditions include attending watch night services, praying for blessings in the new year, and reading Bible passages related to new beginnings and renewal.

Is it appropriate to send Christian New Year greetings to non-Christian friends?

Of course! Showing love and kindness to all people, regardless of their beliefs, is an important aspect of Christianity. You can use this opportunity to share your faith with them in a positive way.

What are some humorous ways to wish someone a Happy Christian New Year?

  • May your year be filled with blessings and lots of coffee to keep you awake during those early morning church services!
  • May God bless you with good health so you can keep up with all those Bible studies and potlucks!
  • May your year be as sweet as church potluck desserts and as exciting as a youth group retreat!

How can I incorporate my faith into my New Year's resolutions?

  1. Pray for guidance in setting goals that align with God's will.
  2. Focus on improving areas of your life that honor God, such as treating others with kindness and forgiveness.
  3. Commit to spending more time in prayer and studying the Bible.

Remember, the most important thing is to have a heart that seeks to honor God in all things, including your New Year's resolutions!