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10 Inspiring New Year Resolution Ideas for a Fresh Start in 2016

New Year Resolution Ideas 2016

Discover unique New Year resolution ideas for 2016! From fitness goals to personal growth, make this year your best one yet.

It's that time of the year again, folks! The time when we all sit down and make a list of New Year resolutions that we'll probably forget about by mid-February. But fear not, dear readers, for I have compiled a list of resolution ideas for 2016 that are not only achievable but also entertaining. So put on your thinking caps and get ready to ring in the new year with some positive changes!

First and foremost, let's talk about fitness. Yes, we all want to lose those holiday pounds and get in shape, but let's be real here - the gym can be a bit intimidating. So why not try something new this year? Sign up for a dance class or take up martial arts. Not only will you get fit, but you'll also learn a new skill and have fun doing it.

Speaking of fun, let's talk about hobbies. We all have that one thing we've always wanted to try but never got around to doing. Well, now's the time to do it! Whether it's painting, cooking, or learning a new language, make 2016 the year you finally give it a go. Who knows, you might discover a hidden talent.

Next up, let's talk about relationships. Now, I'm not just talking about romantic relationships (although if that's what you need to work on, go for it!). Think about the people in your life who make you happy and make an effort to spend more time with them. Make a conscious effort to call your parents once a week or have a weekly movie night with your best friend. It's the little things that make a big difference.

Now, let's shift our focus to work. We all want to be more successful in our careers, but sometimes it's hard to know where to start. My advice? Take on a new project or challenge yourself to learn a new skill. Not only will it make you a more valuable employee, but it'll also keep things interesting and prevent burnout.

Okay, now for the fun stuff - travel! We all have that one destination we've been dreaming of visiting, so why not make 2016 the year you finally go? It doesn't have to be anything extravagant - even a weekend road trip to a nearby town can be an adventure. Plus, there's nothing like experiencing new cultures and seeing new sights to broaden your horizons.

And speaking of broadening your horizons, let's talk about education. Learning doesn't have to stop once you graduate from school. Challenge yourself to read more books, take an online course, or attend a seminar. Not only will it expand your knowledge, but it'll also give you a sense of accomplishment.

Now, let's talk about something we all could use a little more of - relaxation. In our fast-paced world, it's important to take time for ourselves and recharge. Schedule a weekly bubble bath or treat yourself to a massage. Trust me, your mind (and body) will thank you.

Last but not least, let's talk about giving back. Whether it's volunteering at a local shelter or donating to a charity, make 2016 the year you make a positive impact in your community. Not only will it make you feel good, but it'll also make a difference in someone else's life.

So there you have it, folks - my list of New Year resolution ideas for 2016. Remember, the key is to make goals that are achievable and enjoyable. Here's to a happy and healthy new year!


A new year is always the perfect time to start fresh and make some resolutions. It’s the perfect time to reflect on the past year and make changes for the better. Most people make a list of New Year resolutions, but how many of us actually stick to them? This year, let’s make a list of resolutions that are fun, easy to keep, and will make you laugh.

Eat More Chocolate

Who doesn’t love chocolate? Instead of making unrealistic resolutions to give up sweets altogether, why not make a resolution to eat more chocolate? Dark chocolate has been proven to have health benefits, such as lowering blood pressure and improving brain function. So, go ahead and indulge in some delicious chocolate this year!

Take More Naps

We all lead busy lives, and sometimes we forget to slow down and take a break. Taking a nap is a great way to recharge your batteries and improve your mood. Make a resolution to take more naps this year. Whether it’s a 20-minute power nap or a two-hour snooze, you’ll feel rejuvenated and ready to take on the day.

Travel to New Places

Traveling is a wonderful way to experience new cultures, meet new people, and learn about the world. Make a resolution to travel to new places this year. Whether it’s a weekend road trip or a month-long vacation, getting out of your comfort zone and exploring new destinations will broaden your horizons and create lasting memories.

Laugh More

Laughter is the best medicine, and it’s also a great way to relieve stress and boost your mood. Make a resolution to laugh more this year. Whether it’s watching a funny movie, hanging out with friends, or telling silly jokes, find ways to add laughter and joy to your life.

Try New Foods

Food is one of life’s greatest pleasures, and there’s always something new to try. Make a resolution to try new foods this year. Whether it’s a new restaurant or a new recipe, exploring new flavors and cuisines will expand your palate and make mealtime more exciting.

Read More Books

Reading is a wonderful way to escape into another world and learn something new. Make a resolution to read more books this year. Whether it’s a classic novel or a self-help book, reading will improve your vocabulary, enhance your creativity, and reduce stress.

Learn a New Skill

Learning a new skill is a great way to challenge yourself and boost your confidence. Make a resolution to learn a new skill this year. Whether it’s a new language, a musical instrument, or a craft, learning something new will keep your mind sharp and increase your sense of accomplishment.

Get Outside More

We all spend too much time indoors, staring at screens. Make a resolution to get outside more this year. Whether it’s going for a walk, hiking a trail, or playing a sport, being in nature will improve your mood, reduce stress, and improve your physical health.

Connect with Friends and Family

Our relationships are the most important things in our lives. Make a resolution to connect with friends and family more this year. Whether it’s a phone call, a text message, or a visit, staying connected with loved ones will improve your mental health, increase your happiness, and create lasting memories.


There you have it, ten fun and easy New Year resolution ideas that will make you laugh and improve your life. Remember, the key to keeping your resolutions is to make them fun, easy, and achievable. So, pick a few of these resolutions and make 2022 your best year yet!

New Year Resolution Ideas 2016: Embracing the Humor

It's that time of year again where we all make grand resolutions that we may or may not keep. Let's face it, most of us will probably end up finally quitting that one thing we all know we should quit but won't because let's face it, it's delicious. But, why not make this year's resolutions a bit more fun? Here are some ideas that will have you laughing while still making some positive changes in your life.

Actually Using That Gym Membership We Bought In 2014

We've all done it. We buy a gym membership with the best of intentions, and then it just sits there collecting dust. This year, let's change that. Instead of feeling guilty every time you walk past the gym, make a plan to actually use it. And hey, if you need some motivation, just think about becoming a social media influencer just so you can finally get verified on Instagram. It's the little things in life, right?

Learning To Cook More Than Just Ramen Noodles Without Starting A Kitchen Fire

We've all had those moments where we try to cook something new and it ends up in flames. But, fear not! This year, let's challenge ourselves to learn how to cook something other than ramen noodles without starting a kitchen fire. And who knows, maybe we'll even impress our friends and family with our newfound culinary skills.

Trying Every New Trendy Diet We See On Pinterest Until We Finally Realize We're Perfect Just The Way We Are

We've all been guilty of trying out the latest trendy diet we see on Pinterest, only to realize that it's just not sustainable for our lifestyles. So, why not have a little fun with it this year? Try out every new trendy diet you see until you finally realize that you're perfect just the way you are. And if nothing else, at least you'll have some funny stories to tell at your next dinner party.

Taking A Break From Netflix Binges And Actually Reading A Book (Or Two!) A Month

Let's be real, we all love a good Netflix binge. But, this year, let's challenge ourselves to take a break and actually read a book (or two!) a month. It's a great way to expand our minds and who knows, maybe we'll even discover a new favorite author.

Making 2016 The Year We Finally Stop Procrastinating – Starting Tomorrow, Of Course

We've all been guilty of procrastinating, but this year, let's make a real effort to stop. And by real effort, we mean starting tomorrow. Hey, we never said we were perfect.

Taking Up A Hobby That Doesn't Involve Our Phones – Because Who Needs Social Interaction When You Have Candy Crush?

We all love our phones, but sometimes it's good to take a break and try something new. This year, why not take up a hobby that doesn't involve our phones? Whether it's painting, knitting, or even birdwatching, it's a great way to get out of our comfort zones and meet new people. And who knows, maybe we'll even find a new hobby that we love more than Candy Crush.

Cutting Down On Swearing – We Can't Promise We'll Be Good At It, But We'll Definitely Try. Really, We Will. *Insert Expletive Here*

Let's face it, sometimes we all have a bit of a potty mouth. But, this year, let's challenge ourselves to cut down on swearing. We can't promise we'll be good at it, but we'll definitely try. Really, we will. *insert expletive here*

Forgiving Those Who Have Wronged Us In The Past – Except For Becky. We All Know What She Did At The Office Holiday Party.

Forgiveness is a powerful thing, but sometimes there are just some people we can't forgive. Like Becky, who we all know what she did at the office holiday party. But, for everyone else, let's make an effort to forgive and move on. It's a great way to start the new year with a fresh slate.

So, there you have it. Some New Year resolution ideas that are both humorous and achievable. Let's embrace the humor and make 2016 a year to remember!

New Year Resolution Ideas 2016: A Humorous Take

The Beginning of a New Year

Happy New Year, folks! It's that time of the year again where we make resolutions that we know deep down we won't keep. But hey, it's the thought that counts, right? So, let's take a look at some New Year resolution ideas for 2016 that will have you laughing out loud.

1. Exercise More

Let's start with the most predictable resolution out there. We all say we're going to exercise more, but who are we kidding? The only running we do is running late for work. So, why not switch things up and try a new form of exercise? How about wine yoga or beer pong aerobics? Sounds more fun, doesn't it?

2. Eat Healthier

Another classic resolution. We all want to eat healthier, but then we see a pizza and all bets are off. Instead of depriving ourselves of our favorite foods, why not just add some fruits and vegetables to our meals? Like, putting some lettuce on top of our pizza or adding a slice of tomato to our burger. Voila, we're eating healthier!

3. Save Money

We all want to save money, but let's face it, we also want to treat ourselves. So, why not compromise? Every time we buy something we don't need, we'll also put some money into our savings account. That way, we can still buy that expensive pair of shoes and feel good about it.

4. Get More Sleep

Sleep is important, we all know that. But sometimes, staying up late binge-watching our favorite TV show is just too tempting. So, how about we compromise again? We'll go to bed earlier, but we'll also allow ourselves one binge night a week. It's all about balance, people.

5. Learn a New Skill

This one sounds great in theory, but who has the time? Instead of trying to learn something completely new, why not just improve on something we already know? Like, if we're already good at procrastinating, we can try to become even better at it. It's all about setting realistic goals.

The End of Another Year

So, there you have it. Some New Year resolution ideas for 2016 that are actually achievable and fun. Remember, it's not about being perfect, it's about trying your best. Happy New Year and good luck with those resolutions!

Table: New Year Resolution Ideas 2016

Resolution Idea
Exercise More Try a new form of exercise like wine yoga or beer pong aerobics
Eat Healthier Add some fruits and vegetables to your meals
Save Money Every time you buy something you don't need, put some money into your savings account
Get More Sleep Go to bed earlier, but allow yourself one binge night a week
Learn a New Skill Improve on something you already know, like procrastination

Cheers to 2016: New Year Resolution Ideas That Will Make You Laugh and Smile

Oh, hello there! You’ve stumbled upon the blog post that will change your life forever. Okay, maybe not forever, but it’ll definitely make you chuckle and give you some great ideas for your New Year’s resolutions.

Let’s face it, we all make resolutions and then break them within a week. This year, let’s mix it up a bit and make some resolutions that are actually achievable and fun.

First off, let’s talk about fitness. We all want to get in shape and be healthy, but the gym can be daunting and boring. Why not try something new and exciting? Sign up for a dance class or join a recreational sports team. Not only will you be getting exercise, but you’ll also be socializing and having a blast.

If you’re like me, your bank account could use a little boost. Instead of cutting out all of your favorite things, why not start a side hustle? Sell your crafts on Etsy or become an Uber driver. It’s a great way to make some extra cash and who knows, it could turn into a full-time gig.

Speaking of saving money, let’s talk about travel. We all dream of going to exotic places, but sometimes our wallets just won’t allow it. Instead of moping around, why not explore your own city? Be a tourist in your own hometown and discover new places and experiences.

Now, let’s get a little silly. Have you ever wanted to learn a new language or instrument? Well, why not make it a resolution? You don’t have to become fluent or master the guitar, but it’s a fun and rewarding challenge to take on.

Okay, now it’s time to get serious. Relationships can be tough and we all want to improve them in some way. Whether it’s with a significant other, family member, or friend, make an effort to communicate better and show your appreciation for them. It’s the little things that count.

Let’s talk about self-care. We’re all guilty of neglecting ourselves from time to time. This year, make it a priority to do something for yourself once a week. Whether it’s getting a massage or taking a bubble bath, take some time to relax and recharge.

Now, let’s get a little cheesy. Do you have a bucket list? If not, create one! It’s a fun way to set goals and dreams for yourself. Maybe you want to visit every continent or learn how to scuba dive. Whatever it is, write it down and make it happen.

Speaking of dreams, let’s talk career. Are you happy with your job? If not, make it a resolution to find something that makes you excited to wake up in the morning. It may take some time and effort, but it’s worth it to pursue your passions.

Last but not least, let’s talk about giving back. We’re all fortunate in some way, so why not help those who are less fortunate? Volunteer at a local shelter or donate to a charity. It’s a great way to spread kindness and make a difference in someone’s life.

So there you have it, folks. Ten New Year’s resolutions that are achievable and will make you laugh and smile along the way. Remember, it’s okay to make mistakes and slip up, just don’t give up. Cheers to 2016 and all the adventures it holds!

People Also Ask About New Year Resolution Ideas 2016

What are some fun and unique New Year resolution ideas?

Well, how about resolving to finally learn the dance moves to Thriller or attempting to break a world record for something completely ridiculous like the most marshmallows stuffed in your mouth at once? Or maybe just resolve to eat an entire pizza by yourself every week - now that's a resolution worth keeping!

How can I make sure I stick to my New Year resolutions?

Simple - don't make any! Just embrace your flaws and imperfections and live life to the fullest. Or, if you must make a resolution, make it something easy to achieve like taking a daily nap or binge-watching your favorite TV show once a week.

What are some healthy New Year resolution ideas?

  1. Eat more vegetables - but only if they're covered in cheese or bacon.
  2. Drink more water - but only if it's mixed with vodka.
  3. Exercise regularly - but only if it's dancing in your underwear to your favorite song.

What are some popular New Year resolution ideas?

  • Lose weight - but who needs abs when you can have pizza?
  • Save money - but why not spend it all on that fancy new gadget you've been eyeing?
  • Travel more - but who needs to leave their couch when there's Netflix?

What are some New Year resolutions that can benefit others?

How about resolving to be more positive and uplifting to those around you? Or volunteering your time to help those in need? But let's be real - if you really want to benefit others, just resolve to share your snacks more often.